
Modern medicine is not what it should be. It is sadly lacking in, well, doctoring. I am not interested in any excuses from doctors (surgeons, 'health practitioners' or whomsoever). This is my thinking on the matter.

*     First do no harm
*    To try, as far as is humanly possible, to heal the sick with natural substances
*    To encourage and promote natural vitamins and minerals in a varied diet
*    To educate a patient in harmful substances as defined by natural usage
*    To treat the whole person (holistic medicine)
*    To regularly peruse the literature for novel ideas that have been extensively tested including those from 'alternative' medical practitioners
*    To never respect meta-studies
*    To listen to the patient and make informed opinion of the nature of the sickness no matter how long it takes
*    To realise that a qualification is only the beginning of a career in further learning
*    To respect the views of other doctors, even though not in the same discipline
*    To respect the views of others even though they may not be 'qualified'

*    Not to succumb to the notion that 'one dose fits all'
*    Not to promote little/untested/unproven methods of healing
*    Not to be paid by any means by those with a vested interest of any sort whatsoever other than your salary which is paid for by the public
*    Not to invade any person's body unless absolutely necessary or without their consent
        **  This especially with babies, children, and those unable to communicate
        ***   Those who cannot consent should have a suitable guardian who takes                      responsibility

*    In  giving any form of treatment, the patient must be informed of the consequences of the treatment, whatever it is. There can be no excuses
*    In treating a patient, doctors must accept all responsibility for their actions.


A great number of patients have themselves to blame for their current state of affairs. They are woefully ignorant of their own bodies and their place in the universe. They rely on what they see, hear or read without doing 'any homework', as I say. They would be cognisant to look at these suggestions.

*    Read the above first (The Doctor's Job)
*    Seek a doctor who will listen to you
*    Always ask questions regarding your treatment in detail
*    Never rely on patent medicines to heal you, they won't
*    Never listen, read, hear what you absorb from the popular media and beware of many articles you might read in so-called 'Journals', 'peer reviews' and such-like
*    Ignore it when you read (etc.) 'experts', 'scientists', 'researchers', 'nutritionists', and so on, ad infinitum who claim this or that. If they are not named, the data is useless. There's plenty of data out there but if you are not in a position to find our more, the         forget it, you are better off as you are.
*    Eat as healthily as you can. There's no more to be said.
*    Give you family and children the best you can, as well. We all have an idea what is good for us.
*    Listen to your body; it will tell you everything you want to know.
*    If you take any sort of 'recreational drugs' then on your head be it; it's sad.
*    Balance is in all things. As Paracelsus said: The poison is in the dose. That's it.
*    Never rely on others for your good health

Finally: You are the only one inside your head. You are your own responsibility who/whatever you are and in whatever condition you may be.

Peter K. Sharpen
Cert.Ed., Dip.S.E.

No vested interest in anything except healthy people.

This article is freely given, without Copyright, as long as my name is appended.

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