Dear Reader,

There should be nothing secretive about what is known as ageing. Ageing is the natural event of a living body, bacteria or animal or plant.

We are what we ingest.

A living organism is defined by the ingestion of foodstuffs and the excretion of that which is of no use to the body.

When these functions stop, so does the body's ability to live and it dies. It's that simple.

Between birth and death, is a continuum. We ingest food and we excrete it depending on what we ingest.

The body has developed many mechanisms for controlling itself. As far as possible, it defends itself to products of ingestion that are 'bad' for it and reacts to things that are 'good' for it.

To maintain this balance, the body requires itself to maintain a slightly alkaline setting.

In this case, acid is 'bad' and (slightly) alkaline is 'good'.

Whatever the causes of a dis-ease of a body it need to be slightly alkaline.

The balance is determined by what we eat. Mostly, what we now eat (or are forced to eat) is junk and errs to the acid. This is the 'bad' news.

The 'good' news is that it is easy and inexpensive to correct this balance.

I am not going into arguments about the 'causes' of this or that, or talk about cancer, heart disease and the plethora of fear-mongering that plagues the planet by those with a vested interest in keeping people sick.

I am not going into the details of vegetarianism v. meat or dairy.

The answer to ALL problems with 'dis-ease' is to maintain a slightly alkaline body (pH).

You do not even need to know what this is; it's just a biological fact that is in every decent biological text-book given to five-year-olds.

To maintain a healthy balance between acids and alkalis, all you need to do is to make yourself (slightly) pH positive. (Ph is the continuum between acid at one end of the scale and alkalinity at the other). The body does the rest.

The simplest and dummiest way is to take lemon or lime juice (from a real lemon or lime...lime has more vitamin C and is not so bitter) and squeeze 1/4 into a glass of water (1/2 pint (US10 oz) x 2 per day).

The water can be from a tap but make sure it does NOT contain fluoride (check your water supplier). If it contains fluoride, tell them to stop, it's toxic. It will probably contain CHLORINE but you can get rid of most of it by leaving it standing overnight in the refrigerator.

You may use bottled water if it is in glass bottles without any flavourings (which may contain artificial sweeteners). Bottled water also does not contain many ingredients that you need as it is highly filtered.

Properly distilled water may be best.

Once you have been taking this, make sure that you ingest vitamin and mineral supplements.

However, make sure these are from organic (natural sources) and not the ones you buy in supermarkets and chemists/pharmacies (these are made-made and potentially dangerous, at best useless). Make sure you search for doses other than those Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) as they are most often not enough.

Brewers Yeast is a good all-round bet.

Vitamin C is essential (but NOT Ascorbic Acid...this is not 'real' vitamin C). Pay more for real ones otherwise don't bother, get sick with colds, 'flu and so forth. Use zinc tablets/capsules instead.

B Vitamins are essential but only naturally sourced ones.

Chromium for body sugar balance.

Vitamin D (but only Vitamin D3, not D2). Better still get sone SUN and don't use sun-blockers. If you feel you must use something, use white zinc paste (BP).

Hemp oil. This is 'industrial' hemp. It is not for industry but separates it from the hemp that people smoke. The only 'high' it gives you is a feeling of well-being. It will help with all your aches and pains. Not expensive (or shouldn't be!) According to legend, you would have to smoke a field of it to get 'high'.

The attempt here is to keep things simple...I'm a dummy as well.

To recap:
1) A glass or two of purified water + lemon/lime
2) Take vitamin and mineral supplements which are from natural sources only.

That's it, almost...

Avoid microwaved food like the plague.
Avoid all soy products except properly fermented ones.
Avoid fluoride in anything.
Avoid artificial sweeteners ('diet' anything contains them).
Avoid Teflon cooking-ware.
Avoid 'fast' foods.
Avoid vaccinations at all costs.
Avoid pharmaceutical drugs if you want to live.
Avoid make-up/ deodorants/ anti-perspirants and other stuff. Or find out what is in them.
Avoid cell-phones/mobile phone and wi-fi products like the plague.
Avoid processed cooking oils (use Extra Virgin Olive oil/Coconut oil only...but read the lables for directions).
Avoid those who would tell you differently.

Don't worry.

Keeping your body pH at the correct level my hinder most (if not all...i.e. genetic?) dis-eases. It may prevent most dis-eases or make them go into 'regression'.

Remember that Man/Woman has been around for many thousands of years without pharmaceutical help. That's how come we are here.

Our bodies, however, have not adapted to 'modern' medicine, whatever it is. We might remember that 'Grandma was right' but only if she would be over 100 years old (and she probably lived close to that!).

Nature provides. She always did and (hopefully) always will. For every dis-ease, there is a CURE or a prevention. Prevention, we know is better, but we all succumb at sometime through no fault of our own.

Pharmaceuticals may provide a 'quick fix' but they do not, nor ever will, provide a 'cure'. They are the 'software', the next generation of panes of glass. They are consumables, the profit for the companies that make them with virtually no testing or regulation.

The cure is up to you. 'Stress' is of your own making. It does not exist 'out there'. Stress is an excuse for not taking care of yourself. Your choice, your responsibility.

If you can't look after yourself, you can't look after anybody else.

Question everything, even what I say. Do your homework before making a decision. I have tried to make this guide non-political and so forth but it is very difficult. My aim was to be open, above-board and honest. If I have failed, that is regretted.

Mandatory Disclaimer:

This is advice only. Your choice, your responsibility. This is not a political or religious bias as I have no affiliation with either political or religious organisations.

The author is a qualified teacher of English/Art and students with disabilities. He is a perfectly healthy 63 (updated 64) year old person.

The best of health. It's up to you.!

My very best regards,
Peter K. Sharpen

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