
There is a notion that one should read everything, including the small-print before signing anything. Please read carefully. Enjoy, or be very alarmed!


Notes for your guidance:
    All questions are mandatory, IN OTHER WORDS, THEY MUST ALL BE ANSWERED, IN FULL.

    Failure to complete any one part of this Application Form in full, may result in one or more of the         following:
        Failure to instigate any employment
        Failure to redress any complaint.
        Failure to accept positive comments.
        Failure to consider this application at all.
    Subsequent and in view of this, penalties may be incurred, as thus:
        a fine equivalent to ONE YEAR'S SALARY OR WAGES may be made.
        a term of imprisonment not less than ONE YEAR of your life (any benefits, monetary or otherwise, may be with-held).
        Death by any form/forms as required by any laws persuant at which you reside at the time of your signing of this application form.
    (The discretion of the persons authorising this Application Form is sacrosanct and final. No further correspondence will be entered into.)

Notes on filling out this form, (to assist you better):

    Please circle all entries where required (penalties may apply if not properly circled, ticked or otherwise completed).
    Please give full details, where and when they are required.
        If unsure, or have no knowledge, or claim to have no knowledge, or cannot remember, please             indicate why on a seperate sheet including, on the sheet, the appropriate number relevant to             the question/answer. These should be signed and dated.
Additional note: Answers such as 'unsure', or 'I don't recall' are NOT permissable under the terms of this Application. They will therefore encounter more severe penalties.

Please indicate the precise nature of your application (A1):

A1- I am applying for______________________________________

(Further pages may be appended, marked A2, A3, A4 etc. All pages must be signed and dated.)


Country of Origin______________________
Country of Residence_______________________
Country of Alleigence______________________(If none, please state reason (on a seperate sheet signed and dated)

(PLEASE enter all relevant details or CIRCLE/tick (where appropriate)  ALL RELEVANT ENTRIES)

B-APPLICANT'S Personal Particulars
FIRST NAME_____________
SECOND NAME_____________
ANY OTHER NAMES, ALIASES, NICKNAMES________________________________________
AGE ( AS OF THIS APPLICATION)  Years__Months__Days__
PLACE OF BIRTH (Preciselocality)______________________
TIME OF BIRTH (Hrs/Minutes/Seconds)_______________
    (If not known, please state why on a seperate sheet, signed and dated)
NATURE OF BIRTH     Normal  Caesarian  Forceps  Other (please specify on a seperate sheet, signed and dated))
STATUS     Single        Married    Seperated    Divorced     Partner   
SEX        Male        Female        Other (Please attach chromosomal Certificate (suitably notorised)
SEXUAL PROCLAVITIES:   Heterosexual   Homosexual   Bisexual  Transexual   Paedophile   Other
(Please specify on a separate sheet, signed and dated)
SKIN COLOUR    White    Brown (Black)      Ochre      Other (please specifiy)__________________
EYE COLOUR    Blue    Brown     Green     Other (please specify)_____________________
    Birthmarks (please state type and location on body (please include photograph))
    Piercings (please state nature of piercing, the location/s in the body (please include photograph))
    Tattoos (please state exact nature of the tattoo/es, and its/their precise location/s on the body (please             include photograph))
    Disfigurements (please attach seperate sheet, signed and dated and please include photograph)
Religion    Protestant   Catholic   Baptist       Jehova's Witness   Muslim   Other (please specify on a                 seperate sheet, signed and dated)
        Please attach a recent copy of your hearing assessment. (Form HA1)
        Please attach a copy of a recent sight test. (Form ST1)
        Please attach a recent profile of your ability to smell. (Form SM1)
        Please attach a recent profile of your ability to taste. (Form T1) or adapt to tastes (Form T1a)
        Please attach a recent profile of your abilty to  adapt to touch. (Form TO1) or to adapt to touch (Form TO2)

B(a)- ARE YOU AN ADOPTED CHILD?      Yes    No   Don't know  
    If 'yes' give full details of your adoption (including papers relevant to that adoption)
    If 'no' then go to B(c)-ADDRESS/S
    If 'don't know' then please explain, in full (please use seperate sheet signed and dated).
B(b)- ARE YOU AN ORPHAN?     Yes    No
    If 'yes' please give details of your orphan status, including full  details of your carer/s (on a seperate sheet, signed and dated).
    If 'no' then go to B(c)-ADDRESS/S

    Street Number
    Post/Zip Code
    Length of occupation (days)
If this is your permanent address, please answer (in full) these questions:
    Do you live with a parent/s?    Yes    No
    If 'yes' then go to E-Family Particulars
    If 'no' then give full particulars of those with whom you reside. (please attach a seperate record of each or those persons with which you reside on a seperate sheet, signed and dated).
    Do you live with relatives?  Yes  No
    If 'yes' then  give full particulars of those with whom you reside. (please attach a seperate record of each or those persons with which you reside on a seperate sheet, signed and dated).
    If 'no'  then go to next question.
Do you live on your own?    Yes    No
    If 'yes' please state why (use a seperate sheet, signed and dated)
    If 'no' please state with whom you live, giving name/s of those with whom you stay and why.
Are you a squatter?    Yes    No
    If 'yes' please include any material that permits you to squat. (Penalties are incurred if you do not have the right to squat)
    If 'no', answer the following question:
Are you a gipsy?    Yes    No
    If 'yes' then please indicate the nearest place we can contact you within the next 24 hours.
    If 'no' then please continue.
    On a seperate sheet (signed and dated) please list ALL your residential addresses since birth.


First name
Other names, aliases, nicknames (please state)
Nee name
Married name
Date of birth (please attach certificate or certified fascimile)
Present address
Present telephone number/s (including mobile)
Present e-mail address
Present Fax number
Present Internet URL
Place of birth, including time and location (full address)
Place of death (if relevant) including time and location, full address and full details of nature of burial.

First name
Other names, aliases, nicknames (please state)
Date of birth (please attach certificate or certified fascimile)
Place of birth, including time and location (full address)
Present address
Present telephone number/s (including mobile)
Present e-mail address
Present Fax number
Present Internet URL
Place of death (if relevant) including time and location, full address and full details of nature of burial.

Please attach relevant details (in accordance with the above) of all your relatives up to and including your grandfather and grandmother on seperate sheets (signed and dated).

    As of the date of this Application are you:
Employed   Self-employed  Awaiting employment   Unemployed Working Part-time  Working as a volunteer Too young to be employed

On a seperate sheet (signed and dated) please list all your employment history (paid or unpaid) from the earliest age.
    Please use the format below (which may be copied and pasted to each page).
Exact dates (dd/mm/yyyy)  Starting  Leaving  Company/Individual  Reason for employment  Reason for leaving

    As of the date of this Application, please state (on a seperate sheet signed and dated)
Every school you have attended, including
    Pre-Primary (Kindergarten)
Please use the format below (which may be copied and pasted to each page).
Exact dates, location (address), subjects studied, Grade for each subject. Certificate, Degree, other (specify)

    As of the date of this Application, please state (on a seperate sheet dated and signed):
It is essential that you reveal all details of your health. To help you we have compiled a list of requirements.  Please append all relevant materials. Please use the format below (which may be copied and pasted to each page).
    List all pre-birth/birth/post birth defects (e.g. variations from the norm, haematomas,  genetic defects bone breakages, severe traumas, nightmares, daymares, anxieties, panic syndrome attacks etc.)
    List all doctors, paediatricans, obstetricians, gynaecologists, mental health consultants, psychologists, psychiatrists (consulted from birth either by others or yourself), hearing/sight/taste/touch specialists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, sports injury therapists, dentists, opticians, hearingspecialists and include details of spectacle makes, hearing-aid makers, prosthetic makers and so forth.
    List all hospitals, clinics, medical centres.
Have you ever recieved Emergency treatment?  Yes  No
If 'yes', please state: When  Where  Why on a seperate sheet dated and signed).
If 'no', then please continue.

To serve you better, please append these documents:
    A recent eye test
    A recent audio/hearing test
    A recent taste test
    A recent touch test
    All x-rays taken for the purposes of:
        tests for lung cancer
        tests for cancer (e.g. mammogram)
        tests for spinal problems
        other (please state)
    A recent chromosomal test
    A recent retinal pattern
    A recent blood pressure test
    A recent urine test result
    A recent blood test
    A recent cholesterol test
    A recent finger-print sample
Please attach also any cat-scans and state the purpose or reason for this/them

Please attach also any readings from:
    Playing Cards
    Oija boards
    Other (please state)


Please state (on a seperate sheet dated and signed):
    All your hobbies and intersts. These must be as detailed as possible.  They should include:
        Reading (e.g. Fiction, non-fiction, biographis, auto-bigraphies, poetry, short srories, novels             etc.)
        Writing  (e.g. Fiction, non-fiction, biographis, auto-bigraphies, poetry, short srories, novels             etc.)
        Drawing/painting (e.g. oils, acrylics, crayons, pencil, pen-and-ink, CAD, etc.)
        Sports: Active  Passive (state specific sports/sports)
        Films/videos/DVD (state preferences, e.g. Adventure, drama)
        Computers: Software/Hardware/Games
            (state type of games you like to play)
        Watching T.V. (state types of programmes you like to watch)
        Listening to radio (state types of programmes you like to listen to)
        Hi-Fi (state types of musicyou like to listen to)
        Fetishes (please state which and your involvement)
        Other. Please be specific (penalties apply).


Please state you religion, e.g.
    Other (please state)

Have you been: Baptised  Christend  Other (including none)
    If Christened please append certificate (or Certified facsimilie)
    If Baptised please append Certificate (or Certified facsimilie)
    If other (or Certified facsimilie)
        or explain in detail (on a seperate page signed and dated)
Are you a circumcised male of female?  Yes  No
    Please attach evidence (e.g. photo, doctor's certificate, tribal evidence)


Are you politically active?  Yes  No
    If 'no'  then please expalin why , in detail and on a seperate sheet signed and dated).
    If 'yes' then  please answer the following questions:
        Which political party do you align with? (Your country of residence)
In terms of political jargon, are you:
    Right   Right of Right  Center of Right Left of Right
    Center  Right of Center Center Center  Left of Center
    Left       Right of Left  Center of Left  Left of Center

A democracy is, according to Abraham Lincoln, Government Of the People, By the People and For the People. Do you believe this statement to be correct? Yess  No
    If 'yes' do you agree to the dictates of this form of government/management?  Yes  No
    If 'no', please explain why (on a separate sheet siogned and dated).
        If 'yes' , please explain why (on a seperate sheet signed and dated).

Please state your native tongue__________________________
Please state your preferred language______________________
At what level do you speak other tongues?  None  Beginner  Fluent   Expert
(Please state how and wneh you began to speak another language. e.g. you wanted to leanr it, you were forded to learn it)


    Note: A drug is something that we ingest (drink, eat, smell, taste, hear), and upon which we may rely mentally or physically to lead our lives. All things in the universe are drugs when we
NOTE: Please do not answer any of the above questions.

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