(A personal perspective)

Especially: The Pathetic Country.
The land of the GARO (Great Australian rip-off) .

Australia is a stolen/taken land.

It was stolen/taken from the indigenous peoples who occupied it, (as all lands are stolen when they infringe upon the prior inhabitants, whomsoever they may be and for whatsoever reason they occupy the land they live upon).

The invaders of such lands, whatever or whomsoever they may be then set out to dominate those whom it only had the power of Might to subjugate to their own ends.

Witness all invasions.

Australia is typical of a land so dominated  (not necessarily in this order) by:

*     its vast size limited by little intellect, integrity or loyalty.
*     a political/judicial dictatorship not concerned with the public it is supposed to serve and for whom the public have supposedly 'voted' (read, in their terms, "democracy")
*     very poor advertising and slogans containing the word 'your' or 'our' ('Your ABC, 'Our Prime Minister') and so on. These messages are a form of intimidation. They are designed to make you fit into their patterns of  behaviour. These slogans have the same emotional control as the concepts of "Family' and so forth. They maybe 'yours' they are certainly not mine!)
*    hedonistic (pleasure), drugs, sex (usually poor quality and animal in respect only of immediate gratification), and weak lager (in small doses).
*     over-eating and over-indulgence.
*     controllers of others' affairs about which they have no notion.
*     desecration by these individuals.
*     kicking, throwing, hitting or otherwise manipulating some kind of ball (which I believe is called sport).
    (Note: It comes to mind that most, if not all sport concerns the use of phallic symbols, balls or holes; jumping, riding, running (away from, probably), and into recent history, hugging,     kissing and so on.)
*     chewing/eating and the constant drinking of fluids in the vain hope that they will not cook their already cooked brains. (I encroach on their comfort zones.)
*     the control of (usually American) televisionised films, most often to their detriment.
*     the pathetic and insubstantial.
*     a lack of any sort of culture other than the vulgar and crude.
*     the ransacking of itself (ores, minerals, wood, ozone layer and so on) for     the ends of the greedy 'entrepreneurs'.
*    making a fast dollar through gambling.
*     racism but trying to prove otherwise; unsuccessfully.
*     technology that few know how to use.
*     educational systems they bought cheap because they didn't work elsewhere.
*     a veneer hiding a lot of shoddy goods they no longer produce (thanks China!).
*     soap operas designed to keep people away from the realities of life created by controllers.
*     junk foods.

(Note: I use the word 'dominated' which of course does not include those (humans) who are doing their work to benefit every form of life species on this planet, for the purpose of the planet (not themselves).
Like many others, Australians are proud of all this and fly flags (like most 'nations' ) to promote their inanity.

Those who practice independence from this profanity are pronounced 'doomed' and are thus ostracised .

Australia is not alone, here. Nearly all, if not all, 'countries' are the same.

So, you may ask!!

Why do I live here?

.......I choose to do so.
I am a free-born subject; subject to none and with no subjects under me.
I do so because at this present moment it suits me personally.

I certainly do not wish to associate myself with Australia's so-called 'culture'; heaven forbid, or any other culture that presents the same problem's to me as an individual.

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