
    We must not forget that between 'good' and 'bad', their is a continuum. That is, there are no absolutes such as 'good' or 'bad', merely shades of grey between the two. Any one person fills a certain shade of grey, thus there is no 'black' or 'white'. Therefore, there are not 'Good people' or 'Bad people' but a multiplicity between the two extremes. Hence the title of this essay.
    Better people are those generally referred to as 'the salt of the earth'. They are those people or persons who make claim/s to nothing, desire little and hurt no-one (as far as it is possible for them). They have no pretensions, they do not try to control others, they live by rules that they set for themselves to live their lives out, despite it was given to them most often unwittingly.
    The world is (nearly) full of these people. 'Full' is the operative word. Whether it was his phrase or not, Billy Connolley called them, the 'ordinary people'. No-one can cap that.
    It is, if I might use his phrase, the 'ordinary people' that are the main-stay of any community, albeit described as 'civilised' or 'savage'. In my view, the more the savage, the better, since savage means aboriginal or native, i.e., those closest to the earth upon which they live, not a World as described by others.
    Better people, are, however, naiive. That is, because of their nature, they believe (or would like to believe) that all others are the same as themselves. This is, of course, not a truth. There are other types of people. These, in terms of the 'good' defined above, are the worse people.
    The worse people, are those who, in varying forms, wish to control others. For their own reasons, they have determined that the better should be subjected to their whims and fancies. They become bullies.
    Bullies set out to make others conform to their own ends. They do this by buying their friends (one way or another) and then subjecting the better people to their mores and wiles.
    They do this in very subtle ways, nowadays. They invent a notion of democracy (government by the people, for the people, etc.) and then force the better people to elect them as their representatives. Of course, the better people fall for this (they see better in everyone) and then, that is their downfall.
    The bullies then invent 'laws'. That is, rules turned upside down and round-a-bout that they then claim are for the 'good' of their subjects (well, you voted them in!). These laws then have sanctions put upon the so-called transgressors that generally include some form of incarceration (which the better pay for) in some dubious jail/gaol or otherwise, or monetary punishments for which most of them do not pay because they can't in the first place (so the better pay for these as well). Other bullies, the do-gooders then make out that these  poor souls need to be reconciled with society, so they give these people everything that the better people do not have. There is no disagreement that these worse people need some reconcilitation but it is not within their nature (for long) to be able to demonstrate their new-found reconciliation.
    Get real! These anal sphincters, for whatever reason give grief to the better of us. They get better treatment than the 'ordinary' people. They get a home, bed, heat, television, a way of making a living, without any cost to themselves except their situation. We all have a situation. We don't all want everyone else to look after us. This is the sickness of the world.

The sickness in this world is a greed for what some don't have and don't want to work for; therefore they steal it.

    Rules work, as I have said before, because they are set by mutual agreement, not by bullying. They are mostly community based which makes them workable.
    Laws do not and cannot work because they are more global and virtually impossible to 'police'; therefore they are useless in 'real' terms'. It's a question of 'If you get caught', which is a very immature notion.
    Better people, because of their nature, have been smothered by the bullies and lie at the bottom of an ocean of lies, deceit and everything else that is worse that is thrust upon them.
    Let's face it, if you work your back off, some-one will realise your potential and earn off it. They will not work, they will only reap the benefits of yours. Hence kings, queens, despots, presidents, popes and so on ad infinitum et ad nauseum. These people require a hierarchy to exist; this is 'pass-the-buck' territory. Who names names? They want you to, because they want to control you. They won't name themselves!
    The only way to change the world is to name yourself as leader (assuming you are a 'good' person). If enough people do this, the system will have to fall and maybe the so-called 'meek' (that is, the 'good') will inherit the earth.
    At present, the word 'meek' needs to be changed to 'weak', for it is those who control our lives.
    An end to the 'sickness' within a society can only be achieved by the acts of those who oppose it by peaceful means.

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