
I am a 'cat' person. Dogs do not interest me. Sometimes they are cute but most other times they do not 'gel' with me.

I am obviously not on the same spiritual level as a dog, but cats generally are and they fascinate me.

Cats are the ultimate in so-called domesticated or wild animals. However, my observations conclude that they are always 'wild'. They may appear to be 'tamed' but they are not. Period. Full stop.

Cats are their own cats. Cats know where the food is and who supplies it. They care not a jot otherwise.  A cat feeds what you might give it and then it is off....It doesn't say 'thank you' and rub itself up against you, it is finished. Done. Gone until the next time. However, they know where they are comfortable and often come into your home, stay for a while and then leave. That's their prerogative, it's not up to you unless you shoo! them out.

You can breed a dog to cow-tow to your wishes. You cannot breed a cat to do the same. It's in their genes, I suppose.

Cats will outlive dogs because they know how to survive. Dogs, especially 'bred' ones haven't any notion of survival beyond being victim of Man's egotism.

You NEVER own a cat. A cat is its own 'cat' and that is the end of it.

You never really own a dog, whatever, if it is left to survive on its own. It relies on its 'owner' for food, protection and everything else.

I don't hate dogs, I merely see them as an extension of a human frailty. That frailty is a link to something missing in Man's make-up. That is not to say that there is something 'wrong' with human make-up but a weakness that he/she needs to address, as they say.

I admire cats because they have no 'owners'. It's a bit of a come-down when they don't say 'Thank you' for a meal but merely sit and preen/clean themselves but that is a compliment on its own, isn't it? Anyway, why should they?

I don't want to 'own' a cat. I don't want to say that 'Fred' is 'mine', shove a collar on it with an address and (insanity) put a computer chip in its head or pump useless vaccines into its little body (any more than I would with a child).  I value my total independence from the human 'race' I find mostly despicable. So I relate to cats, although they have no notion of a moral statement such as I have just made. Cats are cats. PK Sharpen (so-called) is PK Sharpen and that's it. No-one owns me. I was born from a womb and that's it. I was not born the 'subject' of anyone. I own no allegiance to anyone (place of birth or otherwise). I don't know anything else and don't want to!

This Summer (a period in the Universal year that is (in the UK) somewhat warmer than other periods due to the sun's activity) my garden has been filled with bees, butterflies and other creatures, even a hedgehog (love him/her) and a number of cats.

Cats know somewhere they are cared for, despite their reticence to enter an unknown place (my house). Gradually they have learned that here (in my home) they can find refuge and food and water and loving care.

That's all a survivalist needs to know. Food, shelter, warmth and companionship. Sound familiar?

Cats know. Bred dogs do not know. You can't train a cat. It knows or it doesn't (or doesn't survive).  Wild dogs do know how to survive. They are usually counted as 'vermin'. Thus the dingoes, foxes and so forth.

These are creatures of the wild but they have their own 'morals' as well, what some call 'accountability' but that a human term of no relevance to nature. It's a shame the human animal 'Man'  does not have the same morals. Some do, though,  those who live with the other flora and fauna of the earth in peaceful harmony.

All activities of life exhibit survival mechanisms. Only 'Man' has often decided to pervert them. Why, I do not know. It is beyond me. Man's ideologies do not equate with survival. Why this is, is still beyond me but I will ponder this. I think it's a sort of 'death wish'.

Most flora and fauna have a 'survival wish'. It is not, of course, conscious or even sub-conscious. Why does this creature 'Man' have such a death wish? It escapes me.       

Meanwhile, I will feed the cats that come to my house. What I decry are those who have dogs that bark at nothing but the moon and disturb my quiet. These are the dogs which have no place in a quiet habitat. And why, I ask, do those really awful 'people' who live close by always have those silly little yapping things that grate on the nerves? Maybe you can answer that one. I don't have a problem so much with the dog, I do have a problem with those that purport to own them. Frankly, they are the one's who should be put down. If that appears harsh, so be it.

We are all required by our simpler lives to have quiet to contemplate that which we wish to contemplate. We do not require the noise of those who disturb us. Read that as you will.   

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