
    Voting, is a notion that, in itself, seems to be a positive move towards a better World (that is, it has nothing to do with the earth upon which we live). It is called, in common parlance, Democracy. Since, in Australia, at least, people are fined for not voting, there is no Democracy. Since voting is a personal activity or behaviour and freedom of choice whether to vote or not  is up to the individual, Australia cannot claim to be a Democracy. Or it may be called a 'forced Democracy' which is a negation of terms.

Political bullies
    The notion is that by an individual voting, a particular set of people will determine your future (without your further consent, and without further regard for your safety or otherwise, especially since you know nothing about them).
    However, it has become, in reality, a  placing of your life in some-one else's hands.
Those hands are NOT the ones you need to be placed in. They are the hands of those who wish to control you, not help you. They pretend otherwise, with their nannyistic or other notions, but they are only  very unhappy*, greedy people who cannot control themselves (let alone others). These people have negative skills, they do not have 'people' skills, i.e.. the skills to work with others in harmony. They do have, though, the necessary means  to control;  by bullying and/or employing bullies to help them on their way. These 'bullies' are variously known as the 'police', 'army' and so forth. Other bullies, perhaps even more powerful, are the religious ones.

Religious bullies
    These people use the basic fears of people (which is their fear for survival and is part of their animal heritage) to inculcate them into some notion that their is some sort of god-head who is in charge. These people are deadly and like a plague, widespread over their world. And like a plague, reek havoc and death. Whatever their claims to the contrary, they need to control.
    Whilst armies, navies and air-forces maintain an increasing escalation of 'fighting at a distance' (their distance, not ours) because the weapons they produce to destroy themselves and others, these religious fanatics aim at the very levels of our spirituality. Both types of bullies will incinerate the earth as well as the World by their activities. Both varieties form the sickest, unhappiest of mankind.
    For any sake, don't vote for them to control you. Refuse them access to your person. Admit them and you suffer the consequences, as well as all those whom you have positive feelings for.

*Unhappy people
    The world seems to be populated by a majority of unhappy people.
    For whatever reason/s (and usually not their fault - no fault no blame) they are driven by the fear pertaining to their own existence and therefore seem to need to convey this message to others: I'm unhappy - I'll make you unhappy.
    They are on a path of self-destruction and need others to follow; therefore they will be your destruction also, if you allow them. These people call themselves the so-called  'thinking' ones (at some low-level 'thinking'), the 'intelligencia'.
    Most humans are bred by intercourse alone, as all animals are. There is, more often than not, any thought to their production, only the event of their birth. We seem to accept the 'runt' in a litter of animals that are not 'human'; we do not seem to accept the 'runts' of human animals.

Individuals as opposed to the 'mass'.
    As teachers (and we are all teachers) we try to teach independence with one hand and mass behaviours with the other. No wonder no-one is sure where they are in the scheme of things! In school we teach independent learning skills and then expect students to act as a nation; 'to the glory of...(whatever nation, party or whatever)'.
    There are always at least two ways at looking at the world. There is the 'everything is 10 out of 10' and deduct points for inappropriate behaviours, school. Then there is the 'everything is 0 out of 10' and add points for appropriate behaviours, school. It's the 'glass half-full or half-empty' syndrome.
    Where a national pride (for example) is indicated, comes a chicken and egg situation. My own belief is that it is the individual who creates a nation, not some spurious philosophy dictated by some-one else.
    What you see is what you get but is it the correct message? I don't believe so.
    A family lives in a street which has front gardens. They decide to really do something about their garden and eventually produce a delightful state. Another neighbour sees this garden and decides he will do something about his plot. This escalates until the whole street looks pretty. Now a person walking down the street sees all this wonderment. What might she conclude? What national pride! Nothing of the sort. It was individual pride that started the chain-reaction and (perhaps, if you believe in such things) 'caused' the national pride notion.
    Humans copy behaviours; that is their nature, otherwise how do we learn? Not because we were taught, but because we listened (eyes, ears, taste smell and touch). There is both a positive and negative side to this. At present, it seems that the negative (unhappy) side has taken control. Hence the unhappy world we appear to live in. I, personally,  refuse to be part of this. If I were part of it, I couldn't do my job satisfactorily. I love my job. I love the children I work with and I love my colleagues (in all walks of life) who make their own refusal to be unhappy. I bend to the child in me that wants to be acknowledged, who has things to say, since ageing is in the mind. I don't ever want to forget I was a child, happy, or even unhappy.

    All humans are creative. No disability disallows this, however its expression. However, again, there are two ways to look upon this. Creation for the positive; creation for the negative. The negative worries me. If we had spent as much of our human/earth resources as we have on positive things, rather than negative ones, we would not be in the world-state that we are in now. This notion is a real worry.

    It seems to me that blame (the passing off on some-one or something else for our own inadequacies or self-satisfactions) is a need for unhappy people. Thus, I use the phrase 'no fault - no blame' constantly, in my essays to find some truths.
    If we are tuned to the earth and not the World, we would find the need for the word 'blame' redundant.
    Whom do you blame?
    You are here; somehow alive. You have a survival instinct, once born and  whatever level of consciousness you exhibit. There can be no blame. Whom do you blame? What is your belief? If some so-called god created you, is he/she/it to blame? Blame, in this sense can only be attributed to your Prime Mover; the Original Parent, or whatever.

    Religions are patterns and behaviours of personal beliefs. They are most often laid down from birth (but often otherwise)  until possible questioning by an individual, where they remain with us until our demise. Religious notions are most often enforced upon us by others. They are therefore, not part of our individuality but part of our 'conditioning' by those who would deem to control us. Religious instruction is often very strong. It aims at the root of our being, our fear, our individual spirituality; thus are we controlled.
    Religious beliefs (coming from others and enforced by their sanctions and injunctions) are the most frightening of all, they have reeked more havoc in World history, than anything else. In my view they are to be despised. More innocent people have died because of them (or been physically mutilated e.g. male and female circumcision) than any wars perpetrated by other demoniac behaviours. I am proud to be me, (an animal); not a so-called 'human being'.
    Religious beliefs may also come from the experiences of  an individual at a particular time in their lives. These then, fulfil the need/s of the individual. They act as a drug that placates (as does a 'head-ache' tablet or any other need for help). If this is the case, then I have no problem with that; it works, it's fine. But please don't impose this (your) revelation upon me unless I have had a similar experience and have an empathy toward you. (If it's yours, it can't be mine).

Migrants and Nomads
    Migrants are people who travel from one place on the earth to another to settle and live out their lives in a place other than that in which they were born.
    Nomads are people who travel from one place to another in search of food and sustainable living quarters for a period of time and then move onwards. They may or may not travel to other parts of the earth.
    The earth belongs to everyone/thing upon it, however defined. On the earth, boundaries do not exist. In our World, they do. Therein lies a problem.
    Animals have territory. That is, the place upon which they reside at any given moment in time or times. An animal finds its 'place'  by its feelings. These 'feelings' are most usually by unconscious/subconscious means, perhaps some form of 'instinct'. A cat or dog (for example) finds its place by its feelings of comfort and safety, as do 'human beings' (being animals).  Don't you have a favourite chair? There is no question about this; it's what we do.
    Nomads, generally, have no inclination or thought about where they go to next, except that they have 'read' the earth and know by experience where to go to find food, lodging and safety, particular to their circumstances and for their survival.
    Migrants are different. They make conscious effort to move to another place for their own reasons that do not necessarily include their survival at the basic level of nomads. I am a migrant. I have observed other migrants. I have observed the countries to which they go and know of the reasons for their going.
    Nomads are not unhappy people seeking some better way of life. The rove because that is their nature, their survival. They have no boundaries, as the earth is theirs to travel upon unhindered and where they feel safe, nurtured and have food and lodgings.
    This is not so with migrants. Many are not happy with their present situation and tend to go somewhere where they feel they might be happier. Unfortunately, the place they go may or may not be worse than the one they come from. They do not read the earth, they read the World.
    There are modern migrant 'countries', namely America, Australia and New Zealand. Those people, unhappy in Europe (for example) made their way to these countries. They had already been dominated by the forces of man-power in the form of weapons that these others could not construct (or had the need to) and other persecutions which they did not want). These people may have been the object of their unhappy controllers, elected or not, (most often not) but a truth is that they wanted to be in control of themselves, had no notion how to accomplish this and therefore lay claim to others' territory ' without any knowledge or experience of how they were to accomplish this.
 They carried with them the notions of their forbears, since that was all they knew. These people have dessimated the local populations and have done ever since.Their atrocities are legion. They have often been made in the name of Jesus and other 'spurious' names. They are to be deplored. Do not vote for these people or things.

In view of their attitude towards the natives of these countries and the fear that they may not be accepted, they first sought to de-nativise those countries.

    The writings of earth people are the bibliography. This includes any person who has committed their views in any way whatsoever to our human state in a positive manner and whatever their supposed 'qualifications'.

My own researches over many years since I was a young boy have inclined to those who gave me the inspiration to carry on.

My reading advice is:
NEVER read a book that has a negative title: Why Women Hate Men and so forth.
NEVER read a book that claims to be a Self-help Book unless you check, very carefully its contents page and it is positive and does not preach.

ALWAYS read a book with a positive title or the sub-title: Manhood- (A Way to be Positive.)
ALWAYS read a book's introduction and contents. Disregard anything that appears negative unless followed through.

If a book is out of print, search for it. The Internet, local swap-meets, book-finders. It will turn up when you are least looking for it.

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