
Pre-amble and definitions
    Earth is a name that we, the organism Man, has given to the place (planet) upon which we live.
    Man includes both sexes, man and woman.   
    World is the situation that Man is subjected to, created and dictated by others who deem to control us for their own purposes by the process of bullying.
         I feel that the distinction between Earth and World is crucial to our understanding of ourselves and our place on the Earth and in the World.
          Ourselves, are the individuals we are.
          An Individual is a unique being. S/he is a combination of genes from a variety of  sources neither with consent nor control. S/he is thus a free individual; free of/from anything/everything in the universe that deems to control that freedom or uniqueness.


A possible history:
        I must state at the very beginning, that (as far as I am concerned) we, as individuals, cannot change this World in which we are placed, except only locally. That is, we cannot change the World globally, except by local means. This local effect can, however, be what is known as the Butterfly Effect. The Butterfly Effect is the notion that the beating of a butterfly's wings can have a global effect; that a small difference made locally, can have a global effect by its very action.
      Here I am, born on/of this planet called Earth into a World (The World), created by others. The Earth is the chosen name by these people, of the planet upon which we live. Man is the organism who has an awareness of being aware. All organisms have an awareness, even though it may be only a chemical/electrical one. Only Man, it seems, has the feeling of his awareness; his awareness of being aware. To what extent other life-forms are aware of their awareness can only be conjecture. Man senses; Man feels. All life-forms sense, how much (or to what degree) they feel we do not as yet know.
       Because of this awareness, Man has evolved to utilise his senses (however limited or unlimited in relation to other life-forms) into feelings. These feelings have been the motivation for his actions towards to Earth upon which he has been put. Whether these developed feelings have a survival value or not is probable but I, personally do not know. In the early evolution of his species, these feelings were not a problem. He did what he did. He made fire, tools, procreated and so on.
        As he progressed, through the years, he seems to have developed, however, a system of likes and dislikes. These likes and dislikes, became what are known as emotions. How, I do not know. But it was the conception of likes and dislikes (emotions) that have and will be (unless something is done to rectify this), the ruination of Man. Emotions kill. They kill the individual, the herd and the race of Man.
Now is Now
       Notions of changing the world are the basis for our inevitable downfall as a race of creatures. This is because there has been a mix-up between our feelings as creatures and the notion of emotions.
        Feelings are very local; they are within us. We, as individuals have feelings depending on the development of our senses. These senses, are traditionally, touch, smell, hearing, and sight. Given that we all have varying degrees of these senses, depending on the circumstances of our conception and birth, our feelings about the earth we live upon will all be slightly different. For example, we don't all have the same degree of sight, or hearing or whatever.
Applying an emotional context to these senses, is therefore, ludicrous. No-one can be correct or incorrect, since we don't all have the same degree of sense, therefore we can't have the same degree of feeling upon any one of them.
       I believe that through a miscarriage of sensual justice, we have attached an emotional quality to these inherent senses by applying words such as 'like' and 'dis-like'. It is all very well to say to some-one "I like you." meaning I have positive feelings about you because you smell nice, taste nice and so on; but it behoves us to append a dislike as well. This may all be very well but this like and dis-like has been carried too far. Instead of seeing the world in the shape of feelings, we have gone outside these feelings to say we like or dislike everything. What has happened is that we have gone from our inner feelings and taken them outside ourselves; to distance ourselves from our internal feelings. In other words, no longer do we rely on our inner feelings (which can never be incorrect) but rely on external emotions to live our lives by. This is our downfall. This will be our downfall as Man creatures.
       Now we can 'like' or 'dis-like' something or some-one. We are divorced from our feelings. We can now achieve anything we want. We can tell people to like or dis-like something, and divorced from their 'real' feelings, they will perform actions that they could not perform if they were in tough with their feelings. Thus war is made; on whatever, by whatever, and howsoever. It's the 'killing at a distance' syndrome; the pressing of a button to change other individuals the way you want them; not by feeling but because of emotion; where you can't see what is happening to the individuals you deem to change for your own selfish purposes. All politicians, despots, or any controller of any sort whatsoever of other individuals, are here in this description (and definition) have never benefited other persons in any way (not yours to reason how or why). That act has ALWAYS, sometime or other been passed onto some-one else. If you are driving, for example, and you allow the passage of another vehicle before your own, that act will be reciprocated by the other driver, sooner or later. It can't be helped; the other driver will have no choice.
       If you FEEL it is correct, it is. If you act upon an emotional decision there are always doubts about the action. This doubt about the action leads to all those words spouted by those (who have forgotten/lost their feelings), as duty, obligation, cowardice and so on.
      Our major learning curve will be to let our feelings take over from our emotions. We will then not worry about global events over which we can have no control. We will disregard the news, magazines portraying individuals we can no nothing about, television programmes that delineate all that is emotional, not relevant to our sense and feelings and all other forms of literature which make emotional inroads into our individuality. This media, is the answer, if you want a downfall in your life. The media has everything to answer for. It is emotional and has nothing to do with individual feelings.
       Only the individual has changed the world. The individual has acted through his feelings. If you want to change the World (even your own world) then chuck the emotions out of the window, start feeling.

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