
    CDR means Compact Disk Recordable. This is (the now familiar) CD. The CD that you play on your player has data 'burned' upon it by a laser. The technology is not important but the effect is. The notion of 'burned' is important since burning leaves scars. It's these scars that are re-read when you play back the CD. These scars are with us forever.
    Human - CDR refers to those memories that are 'burned' into us since (and probably before) conception.
    When we are conceived, we are the product of a male and female 'germ-cells', that is a single sperm and an ovum (that is the nature of Man/Woman, however stated). Be that as it may, the nature of either and both is the result of a sexual reproduction that has gone on for since sexual reproduction became the normality for the human creature.
    We can never know the initial sperm and ovum conjugation of our own individual history of our being. We only are the result.
    Because we are thus unique, we behave in an unique manner. We have no choice in the matter.
    After conception, we have the gene-pool knowledge of our ancestors, (whomsoever they might have been), within our being. This knowledge becomes our biological memory; a memory that is held in every cell of our body until we 'die'. Although our body cells are continually dying  and then replaced, this biological memory survives, which is why we still remember.
    In other words, we are not composed now of the cells that we were born with but they still retain the memory of the ones replaced. The knowledge of those cells has been recorded forever.
    After we are born (that is, expelled from a haven of (comparative) safety into a room (whatever that room might be) of light and noise, (other than that of the mother's own body sounds) we are immediately confronted by very different feelings, for we are now born. These feelings are for security and the need for sustenance; immediate gratification.
    After our birth, there a number of parental scenarios:
        We are rejected by the mother.
        We are rejected by the father.
        Father may not be available at birth or for some time afterwards.
        We are rejected by both.
        We may be claimed by some-one else.
        We are accepted by the mother.
        We are accepted by the father.
    Whatever case, we are still here, on earth. We are born and have life (influx and outflow of energy). We also still have a recorded message of our birth and immediate after -events, even though we most often cannot remember them.
    Over the next few years, we record (never to be forgotten), the messages and experiences of those times. They become part of the biological memory that lives with us all our days.
    It is these early and later experiences which predict our eventual fate. Over many of them, we have no control and they are recorded by us, whether we like it or not. This sounds fatalistic. It pre-empts the notion that we do not have control over our lives and that Fate takes its course; we are dealt a hand of cards that cannot be altered once dealt.
    However, it is not the hand of cards dealt that matters, as much as how we play them. It is how we play them, that we can have control over them.
    Early and later experiences may not have been pleasant for many of us. This however, is a not a reason to accept them and 'go along with them'. Since we can play cards depending on our abilities, we can have control how they are played. This modifies the other players in the game, as well.
    We can also change the way we play, with the experiences learned. This is how we progress (or not, as the case may be). I believe that it is by making mistakes that we learn. If we learn by our mistakes playing, we can do nothing but progress. If we don't learn by our mistakes, we lose. If we play another's game, we also lose .
    The object of playing cards is to play as an individual but also as part of a team, whatever the card-game being played. If we don't play as an individual we are of no use to the whole game as it is being played.
    Card games that are solitary are not, in my view, games except in the sense of personal satisfaction. What I am referring to, is community games.
    As with cards, so with memories/experiences. We are dealt them after they have been shuffled around the gene-pool. It is how we play them that matters. If we like, we can toss in the cards and change them.

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