
How 'America' ever thought to be a Super Power evades me 

A 'superpower' anyway, is nothing but a bully system. No less but much more.

All forms of government are bully systems, along with any large group who exerts control over anyone else. Most, if not all, systems of government are criminal, according to their laws.

'America' was evolved from disgruntled (poor 'gene-pool') peoples of various nations that could not make their own way to the back to a toilet so they chose to reside on someone else's territory. In doing that, they dessicated the indigenous population to that end.

In 'America' they made cowboy films of their 'achievement'!

These are the same people that try to do that hundreds of years on! And these bastards are winning! Or so it seems...

This is the same as most 'immigrants' who have travelled to 'new lands'. That is not supposing that certain 'individuals' of their own right have not been condemned by bullies to reside in places they have no wish to be viz. 'criminals' consigned to 'Australia'. for example.

These people (the bullies) are to be despised and certainly got rid of, by whatever means, hopefully in their sleep (but maybe not so, considering the damage they inflict on others in theirs or otherwise).

True , there are people hoping for a 'new life'. These are the people who want to contribute themselves to that end. These are the successful ones. They want no wars, they want their peaceful freedom to go about their lives.

Look, I've been there and done that.

But taking your 'religion' or particular stance on life, to another place is not an answer to your problem (if there should be one). The answer to a problem is yourself.

Like all immigrants, 'Americans' are not at home (anywhere). They may believe they are but they are not. Nor are any other immigrants. Immigrants always take their birthplace as their home. They merely reside in other places. Check out the 'ex-pats' in your local town, wherever it is.

A Land (however it may be conceived) is a place where native peoples exist. Note this is different from the land upon which we all reside, whatever. (Capital 'L' and lower-capital 'l').

No one has ownership of any land. People are born; they live; they die. That's it! Q.E.D.

This notion is really simplistic but not as some 'academics' might think because their salaries depend on their bad science.

Who were the first 'humans'?

Who cares?

Only those people who have a vested interest (i.e. salaries) in the arguing of same.

Here I go:


Bullies are those animals who exert their deficiencies upon others.

Bullies do not win. They appear to but they don't. Believe that or you are dead, one way or another.

An illustration that came to me last night in bed.

In many ways, I am a 'weak' person. I do not like violence. However, I was born in the era of 'glasses', that is to say I wore spectacles; you know the things that cover the eyes to make you see better?

I was called 'four eyes'. I ran home crying.

I remember vaguely that some chap had sad this to me and it was too much. I clouted him, despite my aversion to violence. it was too much to bear. I hit the swine.

We were ordered into the 'gym' to punch it out Marquis of Queensbury rules. I couldn't do it. I'd already done it in the playground.

The bully was finished. We never became friends as is often the case, but he never bothered me again.


Rule One

    Fight the bully, even though a pacifist. Else, find other ways to fight these people. These people would like friends, but they don't have them! They are on their own! They think they have friends but they don't know who they are. They are scared shitless!

The 'natural' conclusion is that the fittest survive (unless you are a 'creationist'!). So we need to define (since we have language and its natural progression (from do-do to this-this)) the 'fittest' and therefore, the 'unfittist'.

Well, we are on to a non-boner. Who (or what) defines these terms? The outcome is simple. No-one or everyone. Definitions of words and phrases are confined only to those defining them. Therefore, there can be no definitions!

Rule Two

    Bullies will turn everyone against them, eventually.    It will cost those who oppose them very much, because they have let them bully for too long. But eventually those intimidated by the bullies will get sick of it and fight back.

However, by this time, the bullies will have made their own laws, subjected those they bully to pay for their own bullying and made themselves into slaves of those bullies.

These 'laws' will, of course, be backed up by paying other bullies (from what you have paid them) to make sure that their 'laws' are adhered to.

Now you are in a mess. What 'laws' do you have to get your message across? That message, of course is that you want to be left the fuck alone to get on with your life. You'll take the risks and you'll take the consequences of those risks along with your contemporaries. Done deal. Not recriminations. Your choice, your responsibility.

O.K. Rules, rules, rules; laws, laws, laws.

Where does that get you now? Nowhere.

All these bloody questions. Where are some answers?

There aren't any that you can't think of for yourself. Sorry, that's the end of it.

Man/Woman is a thinking animal, or was before they dumbed you down.

But you let bullies dumb you down. You were so concerned that you wanted to be part of the land you worked on to be a happy place where you could raise your family but were so fucking naiive that you let other people (bullies) to be lords over you (for whatever perverse reason in your naiveté).

You let these bullies give you a 'religion'. You let them give you 'government'. Aside from other things, these are the two main things that have brought about your (possible) downfall!

Any 'religion' is a control mechanism. You don't need this crap. These people cut off the end of your penis or your clitoris, to be part of their gang., for goodness sake. These 'people' are not people, they are criminals by their own definition.

Any form of 'government' is a control mechanism. You don't need this crap. Those who profess to be 'government' can't control themselves, let alone anyone else.

Humans are naiive. They seem to no want to listen to themselves as humans. That is, they don't (most often) listen to what their own bodies are telling them. They listen to others. 'Others' have a vested interest but only in themselves but they do understand naiveté or at least they understand others 'weaknesses' as they would put it.. They are selfish, controllers and bullies. They feed on this. That is what they do. They have no interest in others except the power to bully others because they are naiive. Naiive is real, nothing else matters.

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