
    “Don’t be a Christian, be a Christ.” W.T. Stead

What did Stead mean? What he meant was that one should not be a passive player but take a dynamic rôle. In other words, don't follow but take a lead. This does not mean control over others but merely take a positive stance in your life, rather than rely on some-one else.
The notion of Christ as the son of a god, is part of a belief system. A belief system is not a Universal Truth but a truth to a believer. This belief system is called a religion. Religions abound in the World of Man. They take control of everything that Man does in his world. In terms of World Peace, religions have much to answer for. There is no World Peace and likely to be none so long as Man blindly accepts his fate as metered out by those who run the religions.
The basis of a religion or belief system is that there is some amorphous omniscience that directs everything and that this is not to be questioned. Questioning is called philosophy.
In itself, a religion often has great benefits for its believers. This is part of their ‘comfort syndrome’. However, it is the passive nature of religions and their dictates, which are a cause for concern to those of us who do not have such a belief system. Imposing a set of beliefs (and dictates) upon others, is an invasion of privacy and its variety of bodily mutilations (in any form whatsoever) are nothing more than criminal acts as defined by the Law (moral and otherwise). Admittedly the Law was set up by controllers to modify Man's behaviour to suit the controllers’ needs; however, it stands, useful or not. As an aside, rules are better because they are more local and are a consensus of opinion, not dictates. Rules work, Laws don’t.
It appears to me, as I watch films and so forth, that Man is looking for a Christ. That is, the author of the work is looking for some-one that will lead them to a better life than the one dished out to them. They use their actors and locations to portray this. They are, in other words, looking for a 'saviour'. A saviour is one who saves. What they save one from and to, is another question. Whether they may or can accomplish this, is still another.
There is another element in this equation of life. That is, the reality of such a figure. A male figure most often and traditionally represents a god (the father). The earth (planet or whatever) is most often regarded as female (Mother Earth and so on). In this scenario, the Father is dominant and the Earth Mother, the subservient (since he created it). Accolades abound in poetry and song to both, equally, however. (“Everyone loves/needs a tit”).
The importance of a father-figure, however, is so strong to all human persons, that it does not seem to matter if that figure is tangible or not. Tangible means that which can be recorded by the senses, however they might be apparent in any given individual. If something is tangible, it can be felt by an individual. If it can be felt, then it is real to the feeler. If you have all your senses (and that is by no means absolutely ‘sure’) then you are lucky.

What's real?
Personally, I see life through a pair of spectacles (They're quite posh. They are self-darkening and have multiple focal lengths.) What's real?
Personally I taste (?) a lot of food through a plastic plate of false teeth. What’s real?
My friend is blind and sees only blurry shapes (or whatever). What's real?
The reality is what a person feels through whatever senses he has (and their condition at the time), his ability to cope with them and his ultimate survival value. What is real, is real to an individual based on his responses at a certain time. To others, this is merely assumption or non-verifiable evidence. Don't base your own life on this latter premise.
The World, the earth.

Being part of this World is one thing. Being part of this earth is another.
Being part of this World means that you concur with Man's dictates (whatever they may be) and are therefore controlled.
Being part of the earth means that you work within its parameters; you neither control or are controlled.
If you reject dictates, you are more likely to be part of the earth and have moved a place to the right. (I don't mean ‘right’ as correct’.)
It's always your decision, if you allow it. Vote for some-one (especially those you have no knowledge of) and you stand to lose everything to their foibles, indiscretions and so forth; history has proven to believers that most of these are negative due to greed in one form or another. Sadly, these people are born of human stock. (You may define ‘human’.)
If you are looking for a saviour (Christ figure/Father figure/Mother figure), or indeed, feel you have found one and that that saviour satisfies you and makes you feel positive and leads you to do positive things, then fine. But remember, you are looking at an ideal, a Platonic Form that does not exist in the realities I have mentioned.

When placed in a difficult situation, you can only save yourself. Whatever you may call upon to help you is only an extension of your ability to survive.
Remember that belief in anything, is personal. It may be shared but must not be forced upon others (they will resent it eventually). People who pedal their religious or any other beliefs on others are very sad people. They are not really convinced about their own arguments and need reinforcement for their belief, or, they are out-and-out controllers. These people are mis-guided missionaries, who, when they can't inflict themselves turn to violence.
Whatever your proclivities, remember that you are an individual and that also, everyone else is. Do not follow others; they may lead you to where you don't really want to go, despite yourself. Lead others by an example of things that you can better yourself with (feel better about yourself and be happy) and these can only be positive.
Thoughtfulness, courtesy, not being in a hurry to end your life; these are paramount to your success in living. There is no other life you will be aware of.

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly.” Richard Bach.
“The only Robocop is you.” Peter K Sharpen

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