JEWS - Do they exist?

Note bene:

This essay is not a diatribe against 'Jews'. It is an honest appraisal of what I consider an important aspect of our lives, given that these  'Jews' have built up such a self-important/'chosen' image that excludes everybody else on the planet. There is also a 'victim mentality' that I personally find offensive.


Those who profess to be 'Jews' have invented their heritage and their origins. The self-named 'Jews' are really adherents to a religion called 'Judaism'. They are therefore 'Judaists'; those who believe in their particular religion which was taken from those who went before. 'Jews' are converts from one system to another as it suits them. 'Judaism' was not their invention.

Certain tribes of nomads converted to a 'religion' which suited their purposes (already invented). These peoples (who later called themselves 'Jews') had their gifts of banditry and were able enough to control others. That they have 'gifts' is not in question. However, it is a cause for concern.  It would be the same for any person/group that wanted to impose their will upon others.

'It is important not to stereotype anyone or anything according to their proclivities.'
Peter K Sharpen

'Of any given religion or persuasion, not all are good and not all are not good.'
Peter K. Sharpen

'There is no such thing as 'Jew' as a race or a people. There is no such thing as 'Christian' as a race or a people. There is not such thing as 'Muslim' as a race or a people.'
Peter K. Sharpen

Confusions of race and religious leanings.

A 'race' or a 'people' are words for describing various groups according to their traits or characteristics. These words are not sacrosanct, they are a convenience.

One might consider other animals who are defined as a species because of their characteristics. For example, cats, dogs, dolphins and so forth. These are terms of convenience only.

Religions are belief systems based on the non-understanding of the universe in which people live by the anthropomorphism of events by the creation of a 'god' or 'gods'.

Other animals do not (so far as we know) have religious propensities, thus they are not confused as Man seems to be.

Religion is a means of explaining the apparently unexplainable in a form that (apparently) needs to make some sense from this. From humble beginnings religions have developed to a high degree (assuming one believes it is 'high') but still retain the myths and legends from which they were born in ignorance (as lack of data). Originally this was achieved by word of mouth until a form of written language developed.

We seem also confused by the notions of people (as individuals) and  a people , which is a different thing altogether. A people is the same as a race of people.

A religion  is not a race or a people. Any individual or race may take any religion, including a multiplicity of religions (or indeed, no religion). A religion may bind a group of like believers but does not make them a race or a people, it merely may become one of the traits.

Therefore: Christians are not a race of people. Muslims are not a race of people. Hebrews are not a race of people, and so forth.

I do not believe that any race or a people have an inherent 'right' to any territory. I do believe  that people should be able to travel where they will, providing they do not interfere with those who have already set up camp.

There will always be nomads and those who wish to stay in one place and make it their home. There is no 'right'; this is just the way it should be. To claim otherwise, is the mark of a bandit.

Group Identification and confusion

Religious groups tend to take on some form of identification, usually in the form of outward appearance, such as a dress code. This is especially so with the 'leaders' of religious groups. This also establishes the 'pecking order' of the group.

I believe this also creates part of the confusion between a race or a people and a religion. People begin to identify the outward appearance of the group as separate entity and 'lump them altogether' so to speak with a particular race, hence stereotyping.

I believe that some groups deliberately set this (dressing up) to confuse/control others.

The 'Jewish' Question

Why a 'Jewish' question?

'Jewish' is an identity.

The reason is that people who call themselves 'Jews' (or 'Jewish') is because they are confusing their religion and their origins and this is creating a serious problem in the world as we know it today. It is not a 'good' problem and therein lies the 'problem' and the question.

When a group of people (whoever they are) claim 'special' rights I am cynical and want to ask questions. The answers (if and when I come upon them) do not often make sense to a sensitive mind.

All statements may and should be verified or corrected by your own investigations, hence a dearth of  references.

The word 'Jew' was not in the historic literature until the 18th Century.

The word was never meant to indicate a race or a people.

The word 'Jew' never appeared before it's use by Sherridan in 'The Rivals' (18th Century).

    The letter 'J' was never used in ancient writing by anyone because it did not exist in         any language. The letter was 'I', pronounced as ya, as in the German sound for 'j'. The invention of the printing press and translation account for the change, so far as I am aware. For convenience only, we will continue to use the word 'Jew'.

A tribe is not a race, it is a group of people.

What are called today's 'Jews', derive from a tribe of nomads. They originally came from East Asia (Georgia). This is an historical fact and may be verified.

Nomads are wanderers, they have no fixed abode.

Nomads may or may not integrate into an established group who have a fixed abode.

This tribe (of pre-'jews') did not originate in what is today called Palestine but in Georgia, as said. Israel is a 1948 invention.

There is no such thing as a 'Semite' as a person, a people or a race.

The word derives from 'semitic', which was a word coined to embrace a number of ancient languages by philologists (people who study the origin of languages) in the 18th Century, and included Hebrew.

The religion that this tribe was converted to was Judaism.

Any form of worship that deviates from this is another religion. Anyone can become a 'Jew' or a 'Christian' and so forth.

So, 'Jews' are not a race or a people. They believe in a religion called Judaism. They are therefore Judaists.

Anyone who converts to Judaism must therefore be a Judaist, as anyone who converts to Christianity becomes a 'Christian' and so forth.

Over the centuries, these people have constructed Judaism for their own purposes, so we now have an 'orthodox' Judaism, a Talmudic Judaism and a Zionist Judaism (the political Judaism). Possibly there are others.


All groups, if they want to remain groups have a common identity. This may be transient or perpetual.

Groups types are variously called by different names:
Tribes, Gangs, Conclaves, Crowds, Throngs, Clusters, Cabals, brotherhoods, Flocks, Herds, Armies, Forces, Schools, Political parties...and so on...

These are called collective nouns. There are literally tens of them, describing all animals as groups of one kind or another.

Groups work in at least two ways:
    There are 'top down' views: the masses, the Goyim, the 'unwashed' and so on.
    There are the 'bottom up' views: the elite, the proletariat, the leaders, the 'Them' and so on.

These groups all have similarities and peculiarities relevant to why they were formed in the first place, even to the extent of the human race as a whole.

Some groups joined together to become farmers or bandits. Some animals (Man included, of course) do not wish to be part of a group even by proxy.

On the basis of historical evidence one must make up one's own mind as to the efficacy of a particular group and  your relationship with them, should you so wish.

What one believes about anything should be one's own.

When we relinquish those beliefs to others, that is the end of it if you value your beliefs.

No person or group of persons, real or imagined, living or dead, has any 'right' over your own personal being or beliefs.

You are the only person inside your head, no matter what.
Your choice, your responsibility.

So be it.

The 'Victim' Mentality

This is a sad reflection of human characteristics. A 'victim' is some person subjected to circumstances beyond their control. If you have no control over your personal self, then you allow (or disallow if you are not in a position of control of yourself) other people to 'think' for you. This may be conscious or not conscious depending on the state of your person at the time and place.

Victims are , therefore, persons/individuals who are not in control at a particular time or place or circumstance of which they are not in control.

'Victims', therefore, have no control over their place at a particular time and so on. They are real victims. These are the mugged and raped and so forth; the results of pathological behaviours.

Victims, however, can be invented. And this is crucial and that is what is happening and has been for many, many years with a particular group of people.

'Victims' can invent a series of episodes  so that others see them as victims. These are the people that make/invent their own history to provide themselves with a 'victim' status. The Judaists are accomplished artists at this.  They do this because they are derived from bandits. Bandits will conceive of everything to describe their art and perform it. That is what these people do. Judaists are deceivers of themselves and everybody else, bar none.

Religions in general

Religions in general are based on astrological myths (they still are). What other data did Man have to go on? He observed the heavens, the seasons, his ability to survive the earth's conditions and the apparent overall hostility to his existence. We must also remember that the planet was far different from what it is now. Cosmic events were very much more in evidence than they are today. Also the populations of the planet live in the region of the equatorial plane; they were not as diverse as they are now.

Myths, legends and fables are perhaps a normal consequence of human behaviour. Religions developed from myths, legends and fables. Their development became a way of life and a way of organising life.

Now, organisation requires a particular mind-set (as they say). Not all human animals have this ability, any more than all humans have the ability to construct a boat to go fishing, or whatever.

Each person may in some way depend on others for their survival and that is how it should be if we are all different.

There are at least two types of organisers:
    Those who organise for positive ends, they are the co-ordinators.
    Those who organise for negative ends, they are the controllers, the propagandists.

Co-ordinators are rarely a problem. They themselves will be monitored by those they co-ordinate (because they are local to a problem).

Controllers are the only problem in any society, no mater how small or large. These people have no respect for themselves or others. They are a different species. They might rightly be called humanoids. But they are clever enough to control because that is what they do. 

There is not an inevitability to all this because Man should have developed his own survival skills to be able to counter the negative effects of controllers, as they often do, but certainly not enough.

This is one of the downfalls of specialisation. Specialisation is a double-edged sword. It can lead to higher productivity (for example) but it also leads to a disentanglement with the rest of the society of which it is part and may become so esoteric that others cannot understand. In the latter case, it is used to manipulate others by controllers with personal vested interests.

It is this situation that needs to be rectified if we are to survive as a Human race. We seem to have lost our footing for survival.

In the present age there really is no excuse not to have data made available or to be able to get it.

Our only answer to our present predicament, control of the many by a few (bandits), can only be realised by working locally. No global system would ever work for long as long as there are sentient beings.

© 2008 Peter K. Sharpen

The author has never been affiliated with any group whatsoever.

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