
What makes you laugh?

Take a few moments to think about this.

Do not worry about definitions for humour (that which makes us laugh), they are not important.

Humour is impossible to define because it is indefinable in terms of a 'global' definition.

Humour is personal. It is a survival mechanism borne from personal experiences.

Personal experiences can also be 'global' but that does not matter.

Certain forms of humour (that which makes us laugh) are universal, others are local. It depends on where you are at a particular moment.

At one time, something might make you laugh, at another it may make you cry.

Humour is universal only in the sense that it is humour!

You cannot 'politicise' humour. You cannot be 'politically correct' about humour.

Humour is of the moment.

If humour offends, it is not the product of the humourist but those offended and who should look to themselves for a reason.

Anyone who cannot look at theirself in the mirror and take a serious look and not make some comment (especially verbally) about their appearance, can never appreciate humour.

Man is technologically clever. But Man is but still a pathetic form of himself if  he desires to be as he would like to be, (whatever that is).

Anyway, what makes you laugh?

Situations that are familiar to you may make you laugh.
The language that you use may make you laugh.
The common actions of people may make you laugh.
The common actions of other animals may make you laugh.
Something strange may make you laugh.
Anything may make you laugh for no apparent reason.

Laughter is one of the best therapies there may be.

Humour has saved many a person from a great leap to nothingness.

Humour is grabbing your life by the throat and strangling a laugh from it.

Peter K. Sharpen (2010)

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