
There seems to be some confusion over the terminology of introducing foreign matter into an otherwise healthy body for the purpose of allegedly preventing a disease.

The terms are: inoculation, vaccination and immunisation. I'll stick to the term immunisation because the others are merely methodology.

Frankly, I am not here to discuss the terminology, it is of no interest to me. My interest is in the notion behind the process.

I am not going into any history, you can do that for yourself, if you can read this. I am going to be didactic, however, to try and encourage people to do their own research.

The history of the process of  immunisation sounds like a good idea. The human is exposed to a pathogen ('germ') and gets 'sick'. In a normal healthy person this would not occur since there are no 'bad' germs lurking around every corner waiting to pounce. This is complete nonsense. Nature does NOT create 'bad germs', finis, end of story.

The whole notion of the 'germ theory' (and note is is a theory) is nonsense as was proven before it was invented by the charlatan chemist and plagiarist, Louis Pasteur. Before him and equally nasty charlatan was Edward Jenner. The story lies within the work of Antoine Bechamp. You will need to read about him to open your eyes.

Given that viruses are only created inside a body and do not enter from outside, then they do not exist as pathogens.

The whole notion of injecting some sort of virus to stimulate the body to reject it, is complete rubbish. Therefore, immunisation is worthless. It does not matter even if there was, a virus. That is not the problem. The problem lies in the concoction that supposedly contains the spurious 'virus'.

The history of immunisation is a history of really, really bad 'science'. In fact it is not science at all, it is a patent and provable untruth.

What is being sugically injected into healthy people and especially the very young, is a concoction of foreign proteins and heavy metals and other horrific stuff that is totally anathema to the body. The damage is mostly permanent.

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