
Man has, like all other creatures, has a limited set of faculties which we call the Senses.

These senses are different for every individual. Humans (at least) are individual since that is the nature of sexual reproduction.

Senses, like everything else in the Universe are part of a continuum.

A continuum is an analogue; it is constantly changing from something to something else as a continuous flow.

The Universe is not made up from discrete particles (whatever they are) interacting with each other. The Universe is a 'whole' substance (whatever that may be) which is constantly changing from one form to another forwards.

With our limited senses (even our technology is limited to that, though it may enhance those senses) we can only view and have data within those limits.

Man fears the unknown. The unknown is what lays beyond our senses, however much they may be enhanced.

Fear drives Man because it is fear of the unknown which produces a will to survive. (Fear explained and using data that is readily verifiably available, is fear resolved.)

Fear can produce a conflict in a personality. Depending on the type of fear, the conflict can attach itself to a particular part of the brain and produce a reaction in the organs for which that part of the brain is responsible.

This is the only cause for which Man calls 'cancer'.

The resolution of the conflict is the cure. The symptoms are the response to self-healing, not the 'cancer' itself.

Curing cancer, is the resolution of the conflict which caused the 'symptoms'. The 'symptoms' are the body's response to self-healing ('tumours' and so forth).

The unknown encourages explanations of that fear and manifests itself in Man's behaviours. The fear may be real (a charging animal) or imaginary (a fear something might happen).

The realities of the fear that drives men to survive, is not the subject of this essay; it is the fear that something might happen. This is a natural fear subverted by others.

It is obvious that the last statement is not recognised by the general 'population', so to speak. It is, however, the modus operandi of those who would deem to control others.

It is well to note that the word 'enemies' is used here. According to some, Man is constantly best with 'enemies', real or imaginary. Thus do we have the notion of a 'war' against such enemies. It seems to be always a 'war' against 'aggressors', those things which apparently have a life of their own and want to hurt us in some way.

I believe that this notion is puerile.

Animals (for example), be they small or large survive by consuming other animals (and yes, flora). That appears to be the nature of things. It is not 'moral' or 'immoral', it is just the way things are (the words are Man-made).

Many people seem to accept the fact of 'wars', whatever they may be. That may well be the downfall of Man as a creature.

The limitations of our senses leads those who would deem to control others (since they have the inability to control themselves, as I have intimated many times before this essay was written) to invent unseen (or un-sensed) 'enemies of which we should be wary.

Thus we have notions regarding those other humans that would do us harm (for example, 'terrorists'), or phantasmogoric viruses and bacteria that would make us ill and so forth, ad nauseum.

Man creates his enemies as he sees fit. Man creates all the 'nasties' for his own ends. These 'ends' by the way, are not your ends...they do not serve your purpose...

The sad fact is, that one often lets them rape and pillage us. So is the nature of our downfall.

None of these controllers can provide forensic evidence of their 'invisible' invaders. They cannot produce the actual, real, verifiable creatures that perform these amazing feats of your destruction. However, they can, themselves destruct (self-destruct, hopefully) with their fear of the unknown and yours.

As far as research is carried out by those without vested interests, there is no verifiable evidence that 'viruses' exist outside the body. Viruses, if they exist, cannot be seen with an electron microscope, for example. What is 'living' cannot be studied when it is 'dead'. This is one of the failings of 'modern' medicine.

Living things can only be studied when they are living, since living is an on-going dynamic process.

Medicine has the notion that studying the 'sick' can aid the study of the non-sick. One should, on the other hand, study the non-sick (i.e. healthy) to determine why they are healthy.

If Man were a logical creature, this would be logical.

As far as research is carried out by those without vested interests there is no verifiable evidence that there are any harmful bacteria which 'attack' human persons (for example).

There are poisons, however. These are imbibed or injected toxins (usually proteins) not compatible with a particular species, either by other creatures and including humans (inoculation). This includes chemicals/genetic manipulation not compatible with present life-forms.

As far as research is carried out, there is no verifiable evidence that nature provides any 'enemies of man' in terms of 'germs' and so forth. Man would not have survived so far it this were so. If there is any 'reason; in Humans, it must be here (our apparent continued survival).

We cannot leave so many unanswered questions. That is the province of those who can think no further than the end of their keyboard or the local rag (newspaper).

We must not leave it to those who play the game of prediction for our answers; any good woman with a tea-cup of dregs, or a Shaman full of 'magic mushrooms' can do that.

Our only answer lies in the self-interest of survival. This self-interest is not 'selfish' in the sense so common. It is the self-interest of being healthy (for example) so that we can look after those less fortunate then ourselves. The acquiring of skills to help others. This is a local event and therefore, a global event on a positive continuum.

We must explain our existence through ourselves and our personal experiences, not those of others. We must learn personal skills of health and survival, not listen to those others who have a vested interest only in our ill-health for their profit.

We must accept help from those we feel will help. Even with limited skills and sensual apparatus, we can do this.

It is not a 'duty' to do this for others if we are able. It is what we do, period (as the Americans would say).

I speak as a person who has been around the Earth, UK to Australia and back on a ship. I speak as a person who has done more things than most people in several life-times. I speak as a person who has 'qualified' as a Teacher of English but has over twenty years experience working with students with particular disabilities, including those who enemy was the invisible 'germs' that caused them to be inoculated with foreign proteins that made them so.

If anyone is listening, I dedicate this essay to those I may have helped.

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