
...The subtle and not so subtle fear scam, hoax and so forth...

Pandemic means world-wide (basically).

Epidemic means localised.

Local means just that.

Individual is even closer to a truth.

Little of this refers to death.

The rest is hype, propaganda, fear, ignorance, control and everything else.It has no basis in fact, survival or even, goodness forbid, statistics.

Computer modelling is just that, modelling. it bears no relationship to observed phenomena. It is an artisitic (?) representation used for control. It should not be regarded as anything else. It is pure fear-mongering and propaganda.

Epidemics, pandemics and hyperbole therefrom are the propaganda of those who deem to control but have little chance on a population who live and act locally and use their creativity. Without local involvement, there can be no global anything. One cannot work without the other as I have intimated over the years.

Your health, future and everything else is down to yourself. It is your responsibility. You cannot rely on others, even if you want to, whatever your situation. You must rely on those you trust, whatever your situation. If you happen to fall by the wayside, that is the price of life.

You can never rely on others to look after you. If they are there for you, well that is a bonus. In a dire situation, personal survival comes first, nothing else. No imagined 'god' will come to your rescue. You stand or fall by your own actions...tough but that is life as presented to you.

If you see a dead animal by the side of the road, you may wish for its safety in another 'world' but that is it. If driving, you pass on. Why should that not be so with the bloated view of the 'human' animal? Human animals are not 'special' except in their own eyes. They are not when it comes to countless, fruitless 'wars'. Let's get our priorities correct.

When is a fly's 'right to live' not more important than the scourge and parasitic nature of humanity that is intent on destroying flies because it believes that flies cause some kind of dis-ease? As many sensible people haven said, disease comes from within, not without. It is an individual's choice (and responsibility) to look after one's self first before they can help others.

It seems to me, further, that as pandemics go (and they all do, usually without having really been a pandemic), the next step for the pandemicists will be a Multidemic, maybe on the lines of  cheese on toast flu, or something like that.

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