
Here we sit, alone,
the QWERTYUIOP before us,
tapping the keys to make words
few will ever read,
except us.

It's a pretty desperate cry for recognition
........a cry for recognition we probably,
will never get;

because we preach,
(those writers of us who care),
(those writers who dare to care),

about the world we 'live' in.

Mostly, we 'preach to the converted',
as they say in their pseudo-wisdom.

What little say we get
beyond the boundaries of the keyboard,
what little say will sway those
who will not, or cannot listen.

The words, written, ring hollow
in hollow minds.

They are words unheard in speech because
those who should hear are deaf.

They are deaf to all sensations;
they are deaf to everything
that might mean their survival.

They are dead people walking;
stifled by the inane that they glean
from their world.

These people do not deserve
our fellow-feling.
They are creatures from a parallell planet to us.
They communicate only in mindless chat;
the chat of their mobiles, ipods
and such toys as please their lesser than basic beings.

A man is the beast of the fields,
not a man of concrete and toys.

A woman is a companion to this hero
and becomes a heroine of herself.

Thus, do we preach
on our typewriter.
Words in glorious black
that get nowhere but the confines
of a hard-drive, or printer,
where reams of paper are devoured
along the USB
..........and are silenced
when we switch off.

Why preach? you ask;
and there is no real answer.

The walking dead won't hear;
they have enough problems walking.
They do not hear or see or taste,
they have no sensation above the trivial.

These people do not deserve our attention.
We need to attend to ourselves.
We are not part of a global manhood
or womanhood,
we are ourselves, deluded into believing otherwise.

I am a spirit of a natural mating.
My soul is myself.
I belong to no-one, god or otherwise.
I owe no one anything at all.
I was given no choice
and I give no choice.

Anyway, since you are not going to read this,
I have deleted it...................

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