
In a world full of fake, I am proud to say that I like nothing fake. I am listing a few reasons why I am a healthy person in mind, body and spirit. They may give you comfort or fear. I'd just like you to think about them.

I was vaccinated once for chicken-pox, I believe. I've never been vaccinated for anything else that I can remember.

I have never ingested aspartame as an artificial sweetener that I am aware of. I don't drink 'pop' of any description, certainly not Coke or Pepsi as my body does not like them. I did used to drink 'Corona' this but that was before aspartame.

I keep as far away from fluoridated water as I can. This poison is in the water I have drunk but I avoid it as much as possible. I don't feel the need to bathe as often as a number of people do with the fallacious idea that they keep clean. I'm not dirty. Without the fluoride, I'm also healthier.

I don't eat soy products; they make me feel bad and my stomach does not digest it well.

I never put chemicals onto my skin, however 'friendly' they may seem. So I don't use talc, body sprays or anything except Sorbolene. I don't use soap, I use a moisturizer (having carefully read the label).

I never put drugs/medications into my body, nor disfigure it in any way.

I do not believe in 'stress'. Belief in 'stress' causes it.

I have never (in 60 years) read a newspaper (I'm 60).

I do not watch television.

I read only technical magazines.

I never get involved in sport of any kind as this is mindless (to me).

I eat very little but do take known healthy vitamin supplements (Multivitamins, B-complex and zinc.

I work hard, all the time.

I write music, books, stories, poems.

I used to paint and draw but now use the computer, which is a sin, really.

I play keyboards and have a small recording studio.

I work as a teacher with children, especially those with special needs.

I am not married now, but I have two lovely girls and three grandchildren.

I do not concern myself with intimate relationships as I cannot be a 'casual' lover but nor am I 'under-sexed'.

I am concerned about many issues but writing articles gives me a means to get things out of my system.

I detest mobile phones. I don't like 'normal' ones much.

I will not get interested in the fake, even for entertainment.

I detest video/computer games.

My interest in politics is purely academic. I have never voted for anyone to control me in my life.

I love people but not bigots, liars, fanatics including politicians.

I do not believe in relgions or any of their gods.

I love to react with people.

I love to share, be responsive to others' need.

I am generous with my time, talents/skills and money when I can afford it.

I live quietly and on my own but am not lonely.

I like a fag and a beer and especially a chat.

I resist to my core the controllers and self-appointed 'authorities'.

I resist the negative in anything as far as is possible.

I am happy; why shouldn't I be?

You may be part of the World; I prefer to be part of the earth. The earth will overcome the World. No-one can stop the rain.

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