
I, for one, am sick and tired of the abysmal ignorance (lack of data) from writers (of anything) who are supposed to be 'intelligent' regarding their use of terms like 'Nazi'.

If these writers, who purport to know so much, would read a little more literature (of all kinds), they might be disposed to correct some of their gross errors.

National Socialism (from which the word Nazi derives) is a form of government, like so-called Democracy, Communism or some-such. Like any ideology is has its good points and its bad points.

The view of National Socialism (NS) is one-sided. That is because people have a one-sided view based (mainly) or a very successful propaganda campaign. I am not arguing whether NS is a 'good' system, or a 'bad' system; that is neither here nor there. It is a question of vilification as a means of adding a name to a vacuous and perceived 'enemy'. Much like Al Qu'eda (or however you spell it); which we know does not nor ever, existed.

If those writers of vilification of NS only did as much homework as they do ranting from behind a keyboard, we might get closer to some truths. Most cannot even write English properly.

If you don't search long enough for the truth you will never find it; that's why it takes more than a lifetime.

History has been re-written to serve those with a vested interest in maintaining their world-view. Those who accept any part of this world-view without the fullest research are complicit in what follows that view.

This research entails studying as many aspects as possible. The slightest leaning towards a view that has not been carefully researched from all possible angles is worth nothing.

Vilification of NS (for example) is a poor attempt at an explanation for anything that 'appears' to be similar because that similarity is based on GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) data. Thus, to talk of a regime as being Nazist (in a very negative way) only shows the ignorance of the writer.

I find it a great pity that so-called Man needs anything to vilify, let alone a contrived enemy, which is what NS has became. So many people believe in the fake notion that because something is in print it must be true (even if it's only to some extent). Germany is Germany, Israel (as we know it) is Israel. They are as un-alike as two peas in a pod. The similarities between Israel (for example, only) and Germany under the NS regime are irrelevant, especially since NS under Hitler was the best thing for Germany (he was an elected 'dictator', after all). That is, if you read the literature.

We will not go forwards if we stagnate. Present ideologies are designed for stagnation (including religion) because that is the means of control; if you let it.

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