
Our World

1.    ...is what we call a planet within what we call a solar system.
2.    A solar sytem is one with a sun (sol) which has other bodies (planets) circling it,             although it is an elipse, not a circle.
3.    The solar system revolves around a galaxy.
4.    A galaxy is a system of solar systems.
5.    A system of galaxies is called the Universe.
6.    We, as humans, can only speculate how this all came into being.
7.    'Speculate' means to guess.
8.    However 'life', as well call it, developed, again, we can only speculate.
9.    There is much that we cannot know or will ever 'know'. 'Know' is to understand completely with our meagre sensibilities. These sensibilities are our senses; those parts of us that 'sense' the world as it appears to us.
9a.    The world that appears to us is dependent on the faculties that we are born with. That is, whether we hear, see, smell, feel, react and so forth, as organisms formed from the earth we came from. To some degree, we are, as individuals, we are proficient or deficient in/on those senses.
10.    The creature we call Man (which includes Woman, of course) is only part of what we call the 'Animal Kingdom'. Man, thus, is an animal along with all the others. He/she is not a 'plant' or any of the other things we call 'life'.
11.    Man is neither superior not inferior to others which we have labelled 'fauna' or 'flaura'.
12.    The creature that we call Man (including Woman) developed into a 'thinking' animal.
13.    This 'thinking' animal became 'aware of being aware'. Not an easy concept, even for those of us who are, 'aware of being aware'.    
14.    Being 'aware of being aware' means that we are 'conscious' of being aware. We can see a 'beautiful' landscape (for instance) and say (to ourselves) this is beautiful!
15.    Being aware of our existence is the most important thing of all for our survival.
16.    Unfortunately, it seems most people do not share this awareness, or react as if they don't.
17.    Thus, I believe, there are many levels of this awareness.
18.     Those closest to what we call Mother Nature are the most aware, the rest tail off into merely the prey for others.
19.    Everything in the universe is a continuum.
20.    A continuum is a graduation from one undefinable point to another. Thus, there is no black or white, merely shades of grey.
21.    Our consciousness/awareness if just that, a continuum.
22.    Once we realise this, we can understand people and how they react.
23.    Man, as an animal, formed into tribes (much as other animals form 'packs'). These tribes sometimes mostly roamed without fixed abode to find food and comfort. Some tribes formed larger groups and settled more or less in one place. Their motivation was survival.
24.    Out of tribes came certain people, given their differing awareness levels, who became artisans, hunter-gatherers, and the whole gamut of human endeavour.
25.    Some also became the controllers of others. These people, not at a very high level of awareness and who could not properly look after themselves, had, however, the wherewithal to make others do their work for them.
26.    They had their strengths but only in terms of their ability to coerce people or, in simple terms, 'beat them up'.
27.    Thus came the bullies.
28.    From natural events that occurred and the wonders of 'nauture' people saw around them, came myths, legends and stories, trying to explain the world they lived in.
29.    These myths, stories, artwork and so on came to be used by the bullies for their own ends.
30.    Most people were happy with their/these stories and in many cases worshipped them, turning them into a sort of religion. They saw in the night sky unchanging (to them) stars that made some sense of their position.
31.    The bullies/controllers began to develop these religions. They probably did not understand them but they knew how to use them for their own ends.
32.    There is no doubt in my mind that Man (so called) is like a bacteria on the face of the earth.
33.    There are 'good' bacteria and 'bad' bacteria.
34.    The 'good' bacteria, which live inside and outside of us, are those that benefit us.
35.    The 'bad' bacteria, which also live inside us, are those that cause us problems.
36.    There is a delicate balance between the two.
37.    Bacteria are the smallest living creatures. However, I am not saying Man is a bacteria, only that he acts upon the planet we happen to live on, like the 'good' and 'bad' bacteria that we have in our bodies.
38.    My problem is that I think the balance of 'good' and 'bad' is in favour of the bad.
39.    The reason is that the bacteria Man has seemed to reproduce more of the 'bad' than the 'good'. Given the correct diet, the 'good' outway the 'bad".
40.    However, given this 'bacteria' hypothesis as Man, I don't think that most men are 'bad' in a moral sense. Bacteria have no morals.
41.    However, I do think that because the bullies have acquired so much 'power', they have profligated themselves.
42.    In studying our world, I believe that Man has gone from one conscious level to another. In other words it is like looking at a tree and then studying forests. Whilst a forest is made up of trees, it is not the tree. The tree is individual, the forest is only individual as a group of tree.
43.    This is what makes the world difficult to understand and we lose sight, every day, of looking at things by mixing up a tree and a forest.
44.    This surely brings about a failure in communication. Other animals rarely have this problem and they communicate much better than Man because their language is their happiness and survival. Mostly, Man has lost that ability.
45.    Any form of religion or cult is a method of control by those who profess a religion or cult in the name of something that cannot exist in actuality. It has nothing to do with any form of 'spirituality'.
46.    'Spirituality' is what an individual feels about their environment and is their personal feeling/s.
47.    Belief is something that an individual knows as a truth, that satisfies their survival and those close to them.
48.    Being told/coerced to believe is anathema to survival since it may not be the individual's belief.   
49.    Truth is the property of beliefs. If you believe something it is a truth.
50.    However, given that some 'truths' may be negative, that is, against individual preservation, then 'truths' are not always positive.
51.    'Nature' works to the positive. That is, towards preservation.
52.    If you belive that killing some-one is a truth, then that is so. However, if that 'truth' reflects upon others, who do not know your truth, then that is an inappropriate act.

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