
(For educational purposes only.)

This is not a political article.

Our health is our responsibility, not that of others. Advice on health-care is not the domain of 'experts' or 'scientists', it is our personal responsibility. Taking a day-to-day notice of these people is only creating confusion and a paranoid vision of our health.

The issues addressed in this pamphlet are contentious, conflicting and controversial. It is up to the consumer to weigh the risks of using any of the issues addressed her. Information is freely available on the Internet both for and against.

There are known problems with all the issues mentioned and there may be no definitive answers. Much of the information will not be seen in the public media so, again, it is up to the consumer to talk about these to other people. The responsibility is your alone. The public media is not designed to give people two sides of an argument for them to make up their own minds given the available data.

The issues are not in any particular order as this would partly set a priority. All the issues are priorities.

Having said all that, the most important aspect of our health is our own immune system. That is the bodily system that copes with all the input of our lives into our bodies from viruses to our food and drink. Most people have a compromised immune system of some kind.

We must not forget that our modern way of life leaves much to be desired with respect to this immune system and it is here that the issues present themselves. It is all a question of personally taking or making risk management. In other words: How much can I take before my immune system is compromised further and how can I reduce it.

Researching alternatives will lead you to understand what is happening.

The list is pretty long and, as I said pretty controversial.

Microwave ovens
    Microwave ovens heat food. They do this by agitating the water molecules in the food. In doing so, they destroy most, if not all, any nutritional value in the food so cooked. They all release some of the radiation to the outside world, which especially includes those around such a device.

    There has been no demonstration that an HIV virus exists. It has never been cultured in a laboratory.
    AIDS is not a disease. It is a conglommeration of already know diseases that are generally treatable.
    An AIDS test, tests for antibodies. Antibodies prove that the dis-ease has not been acquired. Therefore a positive test for a non-existent virus, is meaningless. All the AIDS tests make it quite clear that they do not look for a virus; it's in the small print.

    Cancer is not a disease. Cancer is a group of particular symptoms that lead to a certain outcome, usually some form of tumour (swelling). Cancer is an immune-system failure. Most dis-eases are due to immune-system failure. There are many cures for cancer that do not involve invasive chemotherapy or surgery or radiation treatment.

    The fluoride put into toothpaste, mouthwashes and public drinking water is a toxic poison. It is not natural fluoride. It is reponsible for dis-eases such as osteoporosis, dumbing of the human body and many other problems. It does not prevent tooth decay.

Artificial sweeteners
    All artificial sweeteners are in some way toxic. Aspartame is a particular one and many more people are realising this.

Mercury in teeth fillings, vaccines, low-energy light bulbs
    Mercury is one of the deadliest poisons on the planet. It is present in many detal fillings. It is used as a preservative in many vaccines. It is also present in low-energy light bulbs which flood the market. One needs to research all these uses.

    "The only good vaccine is one that is never used." The non-vaccination of babies, children and adults is essential to our health. Dis-eases are a problem with a compromised immune system. Even Jenner (the 'father' of vaccination) had their efficacy doubted.

    Teflon is known to contain chemicals, that when heated, can cause health problems not only in food preparation but can kill small birds. Non-stick it may be but there are safer alternatives.

Vitamins/minerals/trace elements
    These are all essential to our well-being and immune system. Without them, we would none of us be here. However, most of the vitamins and minerals we buy come from laboratories and are man-made (basically) and therefore useless. Healthy forms of these are available in natural foods that have been grown without pesticides and so forth.

Pharmaceutical medicines
    "80% of drugs are useless. The remaining only work for a few people." All pharmaceutical drugs compromise the immune system. No person on drugs is ever healthy. Drugs never cure, they mask symptoms, cause side effects which have to be countered with others. Drugs have rarely, if ever, been tested as a cocktail. The Hippocratic oath, which doctors take, states: First do no harm. This appears to have been conveniently forgotten.

    Most soy in products is unfermented as is toxic. It took Asians a very long time to make soy safe for consumption (soy sauce, tofu) and contrary to popular opinion, they do not eat lots of it. The soy in products other than these has no healthful benefits at all. The truth is most often the opposite.

Cooking oils
    There are very few oils fit for human consumption. The only ones truly safe are extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and hemp oil (although hemp oil is not suitable for frying as it will not take a high temperature). Avoid all other oils if you wish to be healthy; they are already rancid when you buy them.
Wireless devices/mobile phones
    All devices which emit EMF (electro-magnetic fields) are potentially harmful to animals (including humans). They should be used in a very limited sense, if at all.

    Most cosmetics contain many chemicals which can harm you. These include anti-perpirants and deodorisers. Many contain aluminium, which is toxic to humans. Spraying such under the arms or intimate places is a sure-fire way to compromise the whole body.

GM foods/animals
    Genentically modified foods and animals are always a potential risk and that outweighs any benefits they might have, if they had been tested properly. Nature has provided for animals.

The lists of the effects of the above issues is very long indeed. If you are in any doubt about the use of these chemicals, don't use them.

Dis-eases are the result of an impoverished immune system. They are also the result of an over-acid body. Viruses and bacteria cannot tolerate an alkaline environment. The human body maintains a delicate balance between acid and alkalinity. If this is compromised, then we get sick.

Some suggestions to search for:
    Always look for the for and against. After all, it is you taking the risk, whatever it is.

The benefits of:

Apple-cider vinegar
Sodium bicarbonate
Industrial hemp
Green clay

Please do not be paranoid about your health but a knowledge will help you stay well, or become well.

Peter K. Sharpen
Cert.Ed., Dip. S.E.

Note: The author is a totally independent entity and has no affiliations with any other person or persons privately or commercially.

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