
    I return your Traffic Infringement Notice until a satisfactory explanation of the following points have been made to me:

1.    I demand to know within what limits (in terms of yardage) was your camera placed between the 90kmph zone and the 80 kmph zone and what allowance (%) was made for a reduction in speed to that zone. (I think this is part of your strategy of making drivers brake as they enter a restrictive area. This is, of course, bad driving practice).

2.     I demand photographic evidence of the alleged infringement without having to attend any office.

3. I demand to know who is responsible (named person/s) for setting the speed restrictions on such a road or indeed any roads. These speed restrictions on your roads are neither congruent nor in the manne/rmatter of safety; they merely generate revenue, which is not the matter for the 'police'.

4.     I demand to know by what entitlement you waste my money on such devices as you install by the side of the road, or encourage individuals to hide behind bushes and point their (silly) ray guns at road-users.

    I am not an Australian (thank goodness) but have a 'legal' entitlement to be here, therefore, I can handle a motor-vehicle. I do know how to negotiate round-a-bouts, keep to the left when driving; am cognisant of lane discipline and courteous behaviour to other drivers (and pedestrians, cyclists and motor-cyclists) and I am used to driving under all types of conditions (which Australian 'drivers' have absolutely no notion whatsoever). Unlike Australians, (who are known to be aggressive, lacking courtesy and any other road functions,  mostly including BASIC driving skills) I do know how to drive.
    As a matter of fact, I had to slow down in the 'prescribed' area and indeed did so, since I needed to turn left at Gillmore Avenue to return to Rockingham.
    Your 'laws' are your own. They are no concern of mine. I always use the road correctly, unlike most of the population. I do know HOW to use the road. I have driven successfully in most parts of the world. I understand lane discipline, methods of negotiating round-a-bouts, and all the other restrictive methods that you apply to the Queen's Highway.

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