
In many ways, Man seems to have inflicted upon himself to two poles. They do not always oppose but most times they do.

These poles, or better, polarities, manifest themselves in such ways as:

Love, hate
Good, bad
Right, wrong
Black, white
'Them', 'Us'
Yes, no
and so on and on.

This is Court of Law stuff. It is not a reality.

Reality is a continuum. However, so entrenched is the notion of polarities that we have become one or the other with little (if anything) in between. This is not meant to reflect the space between the ears of a politician, but hey, it fits!)

Seriously, the society that we live in is a great pretence. It is no more natural than plastic.

Our present society pretends to homogeneity with its tripe about 'all nations one', the 'great big melting pot' of the 60's (more 'pot' than melting but I am frivolous here). This is patently untrue if you are in a world of some un-drugged realities.

Present society is designed. It is designed by bullies around these polarities, we can see it every day.

A farmer does not say to himself in the morning: 'It is raining', or 'It is not raining'. Frankly, whatever the weather he has to be 'out there' getting on with his job, ostensibly to feed his family.

We have been 'guided' by others to be polarised because that way it is easier to control. The 'Judge' says: Answer the question, 'yes' or 'no'. That's it, no middle ground. So justice is a farce for the benefit on the so-called 'law' (a human bully invention) of the particular moment. There are little 'mitigating circumstances' in most law as juries are often little more than people dragged off the streets and cases barely resemble anything they have to come in contact with.

Warmongers always play one against another (and benefit from both sides). 'You are either for us, or against us', no middle ground.

You are 'asked' to vote for some psychopathic bandit who is either Labour or Conservative (whatever that means), Republican or Democrat (whatever that means) or some other one of two factions who are certainly not after your welfare in any shape or form. These faceless humanoids are your only 'real' choice. Sure there are others but they don't have a hope in heaven or hell (or anything between) in being able to get your vote.

Then it is a choice between the lesser of two thugs. That's some kind of society!

The same is inherent in any religion, since religion is yet another means to control people who have better things to do with their time than indulge in crude speculative, non provable nonsense.

A homogenous society would be one where everybody (and I mean, everybody) had and knew their place because of their personal skills, nothing else. This is an ideal, granted but allow me.

It is impossible to control a homogenous population. A homogenous population is dynamic, a continuum and most often, in some way, nomadic. After all, we developed our societies from nomadic ones, it is inherent in us from the beginning of Man's time on earth.

It is, therefore, virtually  impossible to control a lot of people who want to travel about. Thus the scares of SARS, AIDS, BIRD FLU, FOOT AND MOUTH, 'PEAK' OIL and a myriad of others that do not in fact exist at all! These things are either manufactured or downright untruths about what is actually happening (or, in most cases, not happening). Bad science, bad everything. Let us not even talk about 'Global Warming'. These are all scams to prevent the movement of people and the movement of ideas and diversity. These are drugs of the soul. They are a hoax, scam, myth or whatever. Whatever, they are lies to keep a population  static and under control, nothing less.

Do you know the answer to all this?

I do.

For myself, I keep away from as many people as possible. I interact where necessary only. There is no point at all in worrying all the time about others when we should be concerned about ourselves first. This in not selfish, it is a degree of the opposite. Also, one MUST maintain a sense of humour about all this, otherwise is slashy-wristy time!

We do not (unfortunately) have personal control over all this psychopathic, gibberish banditry that pervades our lives, that is self-evident. What we must maintain is our own self-respect and control and those close to us in any given situation at any particular time and in a circumstance.

We must (and do those of us who care about ourselves), look after those less fortunate and that is the measure of our worth, success, or whatever. That is our place in the universe-as-a-whole.

This is sadly lacking because most have come to believe that the polarity of an A or a B is sacrosanct. 'Them' or 'Us'? Not me, thank you very much.

Peter K. Sharpen
September, 2008

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