
    I am a happy person because I struggle to be positive and look to the natural earth about me to sustain this; the natural earth does not let me down. I refuse to be sad or to be made sad by someone else.
    In these days, and the days of yore, it seems, happiness has never to have been regarded as something that we should 'like' or even aspire to. I believe that if you are happy, you are independent. I believe that if you are happy, there is less control over your Self. This 'happiness', is, therefore, in some people's minds, a form of hedonism: the selfish pleasure of  getting the best for oneself  without regard for others.
    I refute the notion of this last statement, most profusely. I could even write a book about it. Instead, I will tell you why I am happy.
    I am happy because, as I said,  I refuse to be sad or to be made sad.
    The World, created by Men, is a sad place. Who or whatever, made Man and the World, was a sad case. But that notion is as much crap as the men who invented a language to describe this.
    We will never 'know' how we were created; that is a belief. Fair enough, but it may not be a truth. The notion that we were in some way 'created' by some amorphous 'Body' is also spurious and open to many questions about which the answers can only be a belief.
    We are here; that is all we can know; it is also a belief based on our senses.  We are 'here' only insofar as we have any personal data of our presence upon this earth and insofar as our personal senses determine this data.  Our senses, none, little, better or best, determine our view of the earth and indeed the World.
    You can read this essay. What if you were blind? This article would be nothing at all, unless translated into something that you could sense, in some way.
    Given a modicum of senses, which reveal to you your view of the earth or World, what do you want? That is a crucial question.
    Should I shout and say: 'What do YOU want?'
So, Needs and Wants. What's the difference?

    To begin, there are needs. (You are entitled to add to this list.)

    Oxygen to breathe as determined by the nature as animals.
    Other natural chemicals supplied within an earthly environment for survival.
    Clothing, (perhaps), against the elements (rain, sun etc.)
Subsidiary Needs:
    A partner to reproduce a line of siblings via sexual reproduction.

    Anything that is personal to us but is not really necessary for our personal survival.

    It's nice to have a mate (for many reasons!). ('Mate' in an 'original' sense, is one with whom we would copulate to produce a new person (deliberate or otherwise). However, in my view,  this is not a necessary condition of a 'human' person or of 'human' behaviour/s'.)
    Having a 'mate' is not, therefore, in my view, a necessary prerequisite of being a 'human being'. Many human individuals do not feel, for one reason or another, that procreating is a necessary condition of being a human. That is a choice given them by their appearance upon this earth.
    Personally, I was married, once. My wife and I produced two beautiful girls. We were part of the process of 'Getting married', 'Having children', 'Living until death do us part' and so forth. Like many, this spurious notion did not survive. That's mainly because the notions that prevailed about marriage and so forth, were crap before we started and produced our various 'hang-ups'. We were 'sucked in' to this crap and we responded extremely well... the marriage ended in divorce, the children were taken from their biological father and the rest is sad (and like most, a long story).
    A 'mate' is also a friend with whom one can communicate. The communication is part of our survival, also, as individuals. Thus to have a 'mate' (a sexual partner) and a 'mate' (friend (of either sex)) is altogether beautiful.
    At present, I do not have a sexual partner, but I have lots of other mates (male and female).
    So why am I a happy person?
    This stuff, about me, was all over years ago. I mean, over twenty years ago. Since then, I have had little inclination to repeat myself, as many others often do. Those people often repeat failed first marriages, children and so forth. That's not for me. I haven't turned my proclivities to other means of having sex (homosexuality, or  'casual sex') either. That, as said, my personal sexuality is not an issue here. However, there are very few women who would appeal to me, given their own peculiar aspects about how they feel about themselves. This feeling is mainly fake. I have very bad feelings about fake. Therefore...
    ... why am I a happy person?
    Do you know that the World, as assembled, is by those who desire to control others, and is a fake/scam/conspiracy of some sort?
    Do you know that these same people own all that is necessary to make your life (and millions of others) a fraud and misery?
    Do you know that these same people make you AFRAID and that is where/why they have control? (Fear is their greatest ploy.)
    Do you know that these are the people, some of whom (your god forbid!) vote for?
    Do you know that the television you watch, the radio you listen to, the glossy magazines or the newspapers that you might read are full of the lies that your 'authorities' want you to believe? (They are your 'authorities' as soon as you vote for them.) These 'authorities' own the drivel that  you read and believe. That's why you are sad.
    That's why I am happy. I don't allow this crap into my life.

    There's a cat that 'lives' in a house across the road from me. It's not 'my' cat. It's not 'theirs' either. Cats are themselves. They live and do as they please. We only pretend they don't.
    This cat visits my house. It has found a place to enter. It has found its own place to sleep and does so, readily and regularly.
    I love cats. They are no substitute for a cuddle (that's what we want to do). They let you cuddle them but they are in control and you can feel it. It's a question of, I think: 'This guy's going to give me something I want, I'll indulge in this nonsense.'
    But at the same time, this cat is sleeping in a corner ('it's' corner, mind you, it's made the decision, not you!), thrown one leg in the air, snoring so you can't hear it, and happily planting unknown stuff you don't want to hear about or feel about.
    Mundane? No! This is real life. This is why you are here. Not to count the endless bodies of those who have suffered maiming and death from the controllers. You can have no impact here.
    Your impact is with the earth you live with every day. 
    That is all you can hope for, really.
    I am happy because I can think (and do)  locally, where I can do some good or have an effect.
    I refuse to  listen to the global view because that is most often lies and conceit and over which I can have no personal control.
    A global view is most often a view shared by controllers. It takes away a personal perspective.
    Do a good deed to a fellow and you are instantly rewarded by a positive manner. This leads to an act of positive behaviour by that fellow (you may not see it, but it happens) and progresses (if you want to extrapolate or carry that notion to a conclusion) to many other acts of positive behaviours by others. You, as a person, cannot fail to achieve something positive by your initial action.
    They same is true, of course, with negative behaviours. However, they lead to a demise of your personal character and subsequently, the death of the World. The earth doesn't care, since it has no notion of care (or a language to support it); it does what it does and survives long after you.
    There may be a need to join groups of others with similar ideas. This 'group' may be productive (creative or positive) or non-productive (destructive or negative). These notions depend upon your views of both and that, in itself, is a problem with the interpretation of the language we use.
    The problem with groups is that they produce an identity and usually, some sort of  name. They then become some sort of 'gang' (positive or negative). This, in my view, however, negates the group as a group of individuals. In fact the word 'group', and its name, then discards the individuality of its members.  It becomes 'all for one and one for all' without recourse to its individual elements. Thus is born the phrase: 'You are either with us, or against us.'
    That's a polarity. Black or white. Yes or no. There is no in-between.
    Life is not a polarity. It is the 'in-between' (the grey areas). Life is not linear; it is crinkley. Life is the greys between the black and white. Thus can there be change (you can change shades, you can otherwise only change black to white or vice versa). Change is what controllers don't want! They can't control change and they can't compute it. Controllers need something static; something that does not change. If it changes, they can have little or no control of it. Do the same things every day and someone will cotton on to it and be able to control it.
    Some of these people will rob your house. They know what you do and when you do it. So when you are at the back of the house, they come in the front. You lose.

    We, as humans (not apart from the flora and fauna of this planet earth who know nothing about this?), live in fear because that is what the designers of the World have dictated. Using their Means of Might, coercion, scams and anything else they can use to control others with their vast experience of their misdemeanours and crimes, including murder, 'experiments', genocide and anything that can or will kill/maim even their compatriots, they have reduced the earth's population of human animals to one of fear of almost anything. The weapon of fear is the most powerful of all weapons and they know this and use it to their benefit and your detriment (unless you realise it and react positively towards it, to destory it).
    To this end, certains peoples have amassed vast resources of weapons (to kill or maim) and other weapons \(chemical/biological) to cause fear, (real or not) to kill or main psychologically. You do not have to have a weapon to kill or produce fear, merely the means of conveying it to the people.
    What do people fear most? They fear the safety of their person first and then others close to them, in that order. They do not fear the safety of those at a distance. They may pretend to, but that is the notion of those directing them, hence the garbage about some 'star' or other, who is of no consequence except to those about them and  in personal contact.
    Controllers have been for some time now, been engaged in 'new' propoganda efforts and using the language you are familiar with. That language is 'war'. We seem now to be plagued with the 'War on...' syndrome.
    The word 'war', is, of course, from past history, itself plagued with notions of stone, arrows, cannon-balls, bombs, destruction, torture, death and everything else deadly. Thus we all react, if we don't start thinking for ourselves.
    Thus the 'War on..." syndrome has the same fear-provoking requisites (especially from those less able to defend themselves or those who are too careless to want to) that lead to  them voting for those whom they believe will 'look after them'; the benevolent grandmother.
    We do look for a benevolent 'grandmother'. She's the one who gives us things our parents never would in the same way. She can get away with a few extra 'sweeties', because she can take or leave us, at her whim. She's lovable but she is also not always there. Thus is the 'Nanny' state that controllers understand and you may not. They csan play on this knowledge.
    My own biological grandmothers are dead, biologically. (They are still alive in my mind, though.) But I'm not looking for another one or two. What's gone is gone, biologically. I can't replace these ladies, certainly not with those who would pretend to be them or like them. And especially since I do not know them personally. I especially don't take sweeties from strangers.
    I am a happy person because I don't know these people; nor want to, actually. My experience shows that these 'pretend' grandmothers are neither to my liking, (so far as I can have any knowledge of them). These 'new' grandmothers only want to give me sweeties so that they can inflict their will/s upon me, which was not so, and probably wasn't with my biological counterparts.
    I think the main thrust of my argument is that we are local people. We live in what is called a locale. That is, we live locally (sort of side-by-side) with people  with whom we can have actual contact of some kind. Being thus, we are liked or disliked (depending on the nature of those persons with which we react locally). At least they know us and can make their decisions about us, and us them, of course). Shun or be shunned. Like or be liked. Mutual or not.
    I am happy because those about me, who react to me, are positive. The others, I have no care except for their well-being if they are in some sort of trouble or need some help. It is their decision if they want to react with me. I am available for those who might need me. That, as I see it, is my station in life. It is not imposed upon me and never has been. It's my decision and my responsibility for having made that decision.
    Thinking globally, is a great mistake. It opens one to enormous amounts of inaccurate data.
    Thinking locally, allows you the opportunity to actually do something that can give you pleasure. Hedonistic, maybe. Pleasure, definitely.


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